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I told you you never listen
You said I never talk
I said: I'm talking right now!
But you weren't listening
And I do talk
All the time
Sometimes I try to say things without words
Because it's so hard to get through to you
And I ask for a messenger
A middleman of sorts
To tell you the things I can't say
Because they know better how you work
But it seems
You listen
But you don't hear
You don't focus on the meaning
I don't know if you just refuse
Or if you're confused
Because you just don't understand
No matter how many times
How many ways
The same thing is relayed
To you
It never sticks
Does it go in one ear and out the other?
Do you ever even remember?
You hold on to little things
Small words and phrases
And you never see the big picture
You take these out of context
You twist the conversation
Give my words a whole different meaning
And miss the point entirely
And I'm so sick
So tired
So worn and heavy and breaking
From all of the pressure
From all of what I have been holding behind the dam
That I cannot keep it all in
And it overflows
And floods
And you seem so disappointed
And you seem to think me incompetent
When it is you that never understands
You think you know it all
And there is nothing for you to learn
But you know nothing
Nothing about me at all

So in a way
You're right
You do listen
But so was I
In saying that you don't
Yelling that you won't
Because our definitions are different
Just like how it seems everything else is
Our minds run on different tracks
Have been down such different paths
That we cannot communicate
At all
We always hit a wall
So let me make it clear
That when I said you never listen
I meant you never hear
The words that I am saying
Seem to pass right through your ears
You only grasp one or two
And you hold on to them too tight
But what you heard is much too few
And so you never get it right
And I try so hard
But I only get so far
Because communication doesn't come easy
So all I ask is that you decide
To, for once, really try
To actually finally hear me

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