To whom it does concern:

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I try my best
It never works
I'm so stressed
I'm such a jerk

What is this sick feeling
I have inside my chest?
It always leaves me reeling
And even more depressed

I am sorry for how I act
And what I've put you through
I know you don't deserve
What I've done to you
I hope that you're okay
And that I will be too
If there's some way you'll forgive me
I'll do whatever I have to do

You're my favorite thing
That I've ever come across
If I were to ever lose you
You'd be the worst thing that I've lost
You hate most things about yourself
But I truly love them all
If you ever lost them
I'd be so disenthralled
You see, they're all great
Especially put together
Every part of you is wonderful
It's all what makes you better
But I realize that I'm not so special
At the very least not to you
I wish I could be better
But there's nothing I can do
You see, I hate all of me too
But you don't think I'm great
No, you'd rather I didn't exist
But you're forced to tolerate
I wish I could find the courage
To tell you everything
But you don't want to hear it
So there's no point in trying

Yes, you are my favorite thing
On the whole entire planet
Sometimes I feel that I am just
Circling in your orbit
But what can I say to you
To make you understand?
I cannot say that I love you
Or ever hold your hand
You don't want that from me
You don't want my affection
So I always end up going
In the opposite direction
I know that you don't hate me
But I know you don't want me here
I can see it in your expression
Whenever I get too near
But you don't say a thing
Because you're much too nice
So maybe I'll avoid you
And that might just suffice
Because that's part of why I love you
How you never say a thing
About how you feel about me
Because you don't want to be too mean
I think you're so precious
I'd hate to live without you
But I guess I'll leave you alone
Because you want me to

So I guess this is goodbye
To my most favorite person
I hope that with time
I'll be able to see you again


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