Chapter 21 ✝

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"Jeon jungkook."


"Please wake up soon taehyung." i said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I was currently at the hospital. After jungkook left us both, i bought taehyung to the nearest hospital and he has not gained his consciousness since yesterday night.

I'm afraid, if something happens to taehyung, i wont be able to forgive myself because i didn't do my best, i didn't fight properly.

I wiped my tears when i heard someone entering the hospital room.

"Oh, doctor. He's still not conscious, what happened?" i asked the doctor who just came inside the room.

"He has internal bleeding Ms. Kim, plus he has lost a lot of blood, his external injuries are very bad too. He is not in a critical condition but he will surely take a lot of time to recover." the doctor said.

"He will be okay right?" i asked and the doctor nodded.

"He should wake up in a few hours now." doctor said again and left the room.

I wiped my tears.

No i cannot lose here.

I shall find jin and find out what is happening in order to save taehyung. I cant just sit here and cry. No.

I stood up ready to go out of the room but turned around to look at taehyung.

I slowly took his hand in my hand. "We'll be okay taetae, you'll be okay. We're in this together, you remember right? So wake up soon and annoy me." i couldn't stop my tears anymore so i immediately left the room.

As i closed the door, i slid down against it and started crying. Seeing taehyung in this condition was so hard. My heart was aching so much.

I stood up with a heavy heart and made my way out of the hospital. The sadness and regret was so much that it was physically hurting me.

I got inside taehyung's car and saw stains of blood from last night. I sighed heavily and drove off to the restaurant.

I didn't even care to change my clothes but i looked like a criminal who just ran out of the prison. My clothes literally had blood stains and my hair was a mess.

I grabbed taehyung's hoodie which was in the car and wore it. I tried to fix my hair a little and got out of the car.

I made my way inside the restaurant and the first person i saw was jin. He was sitting on one of the tables and eating his meal while looking at something on his phone.

I approached him and sat down in front of him. He looked up at my face and smiled kindly.

"Hey, do i know you?" he asked and i smiled back.

"I guess you do jin." i said and he gave me a knowing smile.

"So you finally found me huh?" he asked and continued eating his food.

"But why are you alone?" he raised an eyebrow and i tried my best not to cry. My voice was shaky when i told jin what happened yesterday.

"What was his name?" jin asked me and i told him. "Jeon jungkook "

"Oh no hye jin." jin said as if something was very wrong.

"Jungkook is THE most powerful man and no one has ever been able to win against him. I'm sure taehyung is in a very bad condition right now. Let's go, we have to heal him." jin said as he stood up from his seat.

"Wait. Heal him? What do you mean heal him? How can we do that? Is that possible?" i asked him and he smirked at me. He came closer and whispered to me.

"Well you know, a lot of things are possible in this world." he grabbed my hand and got out of the restaurant.
We were both in taehyung's car and jin decided to drive.

In the middle of the ride, i decided to ask him. "Jin, when you knew us, why didn't you tell us yesterday?"

"It was you who was finding me and not the other way around. If i had told you anything yesterday, there'd be no point in this."

"Then why did you even come to us yesterday?"

"I saw how you both kids were wandering around. Y'all were literally visiting each an every restaurant you saw. So i thought may be i should give you a clue but little did i know you both were THIS dumb." he said and started laughing.

Why is his laugh so weird?

We reached the hospital and made our way to taehyung's room. He was still unconscious and that sight made my heart ache again.

Jin went closer to taehyung and eyed him carefully. He then turned his gaze to me and said.

"Heal him."

I was dumbfounded yet again. Wtf he mean 'heal him' how do i do it?

"Me? H-how?"

"Hye jin, you have the powers to heal people. You can heal others and yourself too. And this power is something no other witch or wizard has. And it is one of the reasons why you're in this situation"

"Wait. I'm a witch?"

He cleared his throat and looked at me. " What?" he asked.

"What?" i asked back.

"Hahaha did i say witch lol no i said bitch. No other bitch has that power, you're the best bitch hah"

I was literally annoyed in korean.

"How do i do it? How do i heal him?"

"Close your eyes, put you hand on his wound. Think of how much you want him to be alright, Use all your internal strength, all your emotions, all your love."

I did as he said. I closed my eyes and put my hand on his wound. I tried to think of how much i wish he wasn't hurt. How much i want him to just get up and annoy me. How much i wanted to hear his voice. How much he means to me. How much i miss him, how much i love him.

A tear rolled down my cheek and i heard taehyung groan. I immediately opened my eyes and saw taehyung was healing. Like literally, his wounds were slowly disappearing.

It was as if the whole process of healing was shown in a fast forward mode. And in no time, his wounds were gone.

But he didn't open his eyes though.

"W-why is he n-not awake?" i asked jin.

"He will be okay now hye jin. Give him some time. He'll be alright." he said and i sat down next to taehyung.

"Can i heal anyone?" i asked and jin looked up at me. "Yes, you can heal anyone."

A few minutes later, jin stood up "I have to take care of something important, I'll be here after i finish my business." he said and i nodded. He smiled and went out of the hospital room.

I looked at taehyung who was still sleeping soundly. After a while i heard him groan again, he was covered in sweat and it was clear that he was struggling.

"I think it's one of those nightmares."

I tried to wake him up by calling his name. "Taehyung, taehyung wake up. It's okay, I'm here. Taehyung!!"

His eyes shot open and i could see how red his eyes were. They were literally blood red.

And then he spoke.

"He is trapped."

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