Chapter 35 ✝

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"Let's go shall we?"


Being born and bought up in busan, i was expected to know this mysterious place between hills and water. But to be honest, there were SO many places like that, it would take us way too long to find it.

"Hye jin tell us?" jin asked.

"Damn i dont know jin. You expect me to remember the entire city like that? Sometimes i even forget my own home so dont expect anything from me!" i lashed out.

Jin gave me a weird look because it's always chaerin who does stuff like this and not me. And i honestly didnt mean to. I'm actually having a hard time coping up with what is happening between taehyung and i.

I really really cannot tolerate to see him every single day and every minute of the day right in front of me. Because i haven't gotten rid of my feelings for him. I cannot unlove someone who I've loved my entire life.

Alright, i need to sort this shit out, i need to focus on helping our fathers. The only solution is that, i ignore him. Yep. Thats exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to stay away from him as much as i can.

It's been 2 hours since we started and we have not found anything yet. We are randomly going around checking if there's water, checking if there's hills and let me tell you, as much as i liked jin's idea verbally, it's shitty as fuck in real.

"How did you expect us to find a single place in such a big city just by these hints?" i asked.

Jin didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me, he was pissed and that was fair because i was the one who was being an asshole here.

I realised i should apologise to him because it's clearly my mistake.

"Jin" i call him and he looked at me.

"Okay what hye jin? For how long are you going to boss around like this. You need to understand I'm a mediator and NOT your servant. Honestly, i think, taehyung you should go on ahead with hye jin, I'm gonna have to leave now." jin said and walked away.

I was going to apologise to him, and he just.... He just left.

Why am i messing up everything i need to get my shit together, i really do!!

"Hye jin are you alright?" taehyung finally spoke. I looked at him and started walking away in the direction of the beach.

"Hye jin, do you wanna talk about it?" taehyung asked from behind me.

"Taehyung, there is not a single thing i would want to talk to you about. And it's not like you'd be able to help me anyways so just leave me alone. Alright?"

Taehyung seemed to be very disappointed by what I've just said, his facial expressions showed everything that was going on inside him.

Right now, i want to hug him and tell him that it's going to be alright, but i cannot.

We went back home and jin was already there. I had made my mind earlier to explain to him and apologise.

When i walked further into the room i saw jimin sitting in the balcony curled up like a baby. I made my way to him and sat down beside him.

"Chaerin is too rough." he pouted. I gave him a smile.

"What happened?" i asked and he shook his head.

"There's no point, for the first time i feel genuine towards someone but she keeps pushing me away. How am i going to understand her when she is not ready to let me in. She doesn't know whats going on inside me, she must think I'm playing with her too. But only communicating, is going to let her understand how i feel and she is not ready for it."

Jimin's words made me realise something. Isn't that what I'm doing to taehyung? Pushing him away, not letting him in, not letting him tell me what is inside him. And this might be the time he needs me the most, but i cannot continue to hurt myself and fake a smile. I'm tired of pretending that I'm okay without him.

"It is going to be alright jimin, she has her guard up because she must've gone through something unfair in her life. It will take time for her to trust you. But if you keep trying, i believe she will eventually break these walls." i tried to explain but I'm a hopeless person myself in the matter of love right now.

After talking to jimin for a good twenty minutes and lifting up his and my own mood, i walked back into the main area. Yoongi and hani hadn't returned from their date yet, taehyung was not to be seen anywhere either. Jin was sitting alone going through some papers.

I made my way there and sat down right beside him. I cleared my throat and started.

"Jin. I know I've hurt you, and i apologise for it. I really really didn't mean to, you're like an older brother to me jin. And never in my life once I've considered you or even thought of you as a servant let alone treat you like that. I was going through some deep shit and i couldn't get in terms with myself, and it's not your mistake jin, i know i fucked up. All i want is a chance right now. Forgive me once and I'm willing to work hard on everything, including our friendship, and our plan to find dad."

I finished but jin didn't once look up at me. When he understood that i was done, he chuckled a little and i thought he had forgiven me.

Then he looked up at me and i flinched. His eyes, dark purple colour and there was blood on his lip.

"Are you willing to work hard to find your dad hye jin? Really?"  jin said but it wasn't jin's voice, it was a feminine voice.

I backed away immediately, "TAEHYUNG!" I called for him but there was no response.

"Jimin! Chaerin! Is someone here!?" i kept backing away further into the backside of the room as jin or i say possessed jin kept coming closer to me.

Finally i saw jimin sitting on the left side of the table.

"Jimin you need to call taehyung or chaerin right now, please do somethi---"

Jimin started laughing too, and only then i noticed his eyes. They were dark purple too.

I gulped hard.

"Is this... My end?"  

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