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Katy P.O.V.
"So this is the tour bus." Calum said. He uncovered my eyes as we walked in.
"LUKE! MICHAEL! ASHTON!" I screeched and ran to hug them.
"She sounds like shawn's little sister." Michael said.
"Wait. Does shawn know im here?" I asked.
"Nope." Luke said as he hugged me.
"I missed you all so much." I said.
"As did we!" Ashton said.
"Yeah Calum wouldn't shut up. He even wrote you some songs." Michael said.
"Shut up!" Calum whined nudging Michael.
"Awe you did?" I asked.
"Yeah." Calum blushed.
"Have you listened to Mrs.All american?" Michael asked when I sat down and the bus started.
"Michael no!" Calum said.
"It's about you." Luke said.
"Guys!" Calum said.
"It's okay Cal. I think it's sweet." I smiled.
"So where's your next stop?" I asked.
"California." They all chimed in.
Nash P.O.V.
"I'm so bored!" I whined.
"What do you wanna do?" Cam asked.
"Dunno. Wheres Lexi?" I asked.
"She went with Matt to visit our parents..." Carter walked in.
"GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!!" JC ran in.
"What?" I asked unimpressed.
"WHAT!!!!" Kian ran in happily.
"I swear you're like a little kid." Sam walked in.
"I second that." Cam said.
"He breaks all my stuff." I complained.
"Sorry." Sam chuckled.
"Anyway what were you talking about Jc?" I asked.
"As a birthday gift I got us all tickets to watch 5Sos and meet them!" Jc said.
"The fridge is 5sauce?" I asked.
"It's the best band ever!!!" Kian said jumping up and down.
"I guess I'm in." I said.
"So,five sos tomorrow." Cam smiled.
"Their Cali show to be exact." Sam said.
Connor P.O.V.
"I don't get it." I said.
"Don't get what?" Lexi asked.
"I thought she was happy here. I thought she loved me." I said.
"Look. Katy is sweet but-"
"No. You don't know her the way I do." I said.
"Look. Who did she run off with this time?" Matt asked.
"No idea." I answered.
"Who's she close with besides us?" Lexi asked.
"This doesn't add up." Matt said.
"Yeah." Lexi agreed.
"But we can't give up,I need my best friend." Lexi said.
"I know." Matt hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"She'll never love me as much as I love her." I whispered.
"I hate love." Matt said flatly.
"Then what do you call us!?" Lexi asked offendedly.
"Well love is when you're all mushy and ew. We're better than that." Matt smiled.
I sighed and walked out letting them argue over love.
Maybe she's gone,maybe she...killed her self..
Sorry if this is bad. We're loosing readers. Im sorry if 5sos made this worse.
Comment here what you want to happen.
Comment here who you ship Katy with.
See ya over at 'switched'
-Kaya/ Cal-Pal-Hood

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