Chapter 81

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Thomas' POV
After Connor told us about why he was here Mom told us we should go to our rooms while they talked. I sighed,but agreed. I mean I was tired anyway I could barely sleep last night all I thought about was Phoebe.

"Tom." Alexis said grabbing my arm to stop me before I walked into my room. As soon as she said it she looked like she resented saying it.

"Yeah Alex?" I asked quietly seeing that Justin's door stood ajar to show the little 6 year old was taking a nap.

"J-just nevermind." She limply dropped my arm and sighed walking off before I could object. Things have been weird between us,and I don't know why. I pushed the thought out of my head as I walked into my room the sound of a Green Day song blasted from my phone.
I groaned about to turn it off when I realized my phone was ringing. Without looking at the caller ID i answered.

"Hey Tommy." Her sweet voice taunted me,making me forget about everything I was worried about.

"P-Phoebe." I smiled in relief as I sat on my bed.

"Hey I thought we should uh talk." She giggled awkwardly,but I found it adorable.

"Are you okay? I heard you ran away and-"

"I'm fine thomas. God you sound like my Dad." I could imagine her rolling her eyes as her long hair sat tight in a pony tail. Her brown eyes that resembled her Mother's(well what I've seen from pictures) burned in my mind.

"I'm sorry." I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as I felt at a lack of words. Gosh I'm such a geek.

"Look Thomas I...I don't know how to say this,but I've been talking to uncle Luke and he kinda helped me." She rambled on. What could Uncle Luke help her with? Playing guitar or something maybe?

"I love you Thomas." She spat out quickly as if it were venom.
The words I've always wanted to hear and now its as if I don't wanna hear it. I thought she was with Scott? But for some reason I got lost in her voice and said-

"I love you Phoebe. I have for awhile and I know Scarlet would be mad if we dated,but I just want you to be mine and I'll help you raise little phoebe." I rambled on quickly hoping I wouldn't say anything wrong.

Smooth move Hood.

Katy POV

"Connor c-can I talk to Calum alone for a second?" I pleaded,I just talked to him about how I was here for him and we understood.
He nodded and hugged me,shaking Calum's hand before walking off.

"Well now you can talk 'Dating a gay man' off your bucket list' " calum smirked trying to lighten the mood.

"Very funny,Hood." I rolled my eyes.

"You know that's not really an insult-" he started,hoisting himself so he could sit on the counter."because you have the same last name dummy"

I chuckled abit as Calum smiled.

"I like this,being the reason your smiling,instead of being the reason your frowning." He gave me a hopeful smiled and I hugged him. Calum was my safe place,at one point I thought Cameron was,but it was Calum all along.

"I take that as I said something right." He chuckled abit kissing my forehead.

"I love you,you know that?" I looked up from his shirt.

"I know,I know Kat." Calum leaned in to kiss me again.

"Not while the kids are around mister." I looked into the other room to see Syd watching some TV show with Alexis sulking next to her,thats weird.

"Hmm? What are you gonna do punish me Mrs.Hood?" He smirked at me.

"Yep mister go in the corner!" I teased snickering at his childishness.

"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner." Calum smiled,pleased with himself.

"Did you just quote a Fall out boy song title?"

"Yep,whatcha gonna do woman?"

"Your a dork."

"I'd rather be your dork if thats okay Mrs.Hood"

Calum POV

Katy had gone out with the kids to go shopping for groceries. Well she went out with Sydney and Alexis,Justin still was alittle sick and Thomas's pills knocked him right out.

"Cal.." Connor walked into the room awkwardly.

"Hey connor." I replied equally as awkward.

"Can you do me a favor maybe?" He asked sighing as he awkwardly played with his hands.

"Yeah whats up?" I put on an encouraging smile.

"Kiss me."

"WHAT?!" I screeched as he clamped a hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh. I need you to do this. So I know I don't have feelings for you. Got it?"

I nodded hesitantly as he leaned in pulling me in deeper.

I heard the door open and bags drop as i pulled away to see Katy looking at me awestruck.

Lexi POV
"Katy what's wrong?" I asked to see her crying,Sydney's hand clutched in hers.

"I-I-i." She sobbed as Sydney calmed her down abit.

"I saw Calum and Connor kissing. Don't ask okay. I got mad,because I thought he was cheating and he told me he was doing it to help connor. I didn't believe him and he-he." She cried keeping herself together.

"He told Mom that if she didn't believe him she could leave. I couldn't let her go alone,and Alexis was trying to calm Dad-I mean Calum down." Sydney sighed.

"Shhh Kat it's okay." I let the two in as I told Syd she could go upstairs to play with Isaac.

"Katy what happened?" I sighed.

"Lexi something bad happened okay,I don't know how but it did." She rambled quietly.

"What is it?" I sighed.

"I was at the store and I saw...him."

"Him who?"

"Cameron. A-and h-he attacked me Lexi."
What even is this?! I'm typing it up on notes btw because wattpad sucks.
So somehow I read divergent in one whole day and managed to get 100 on my math test lol. What even?

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