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Lexi's POV

"When is the flight?" I asked.

"All I can say is we won't make it to the 5SOS concert to see them ourselves" He said, I hit Shawn's pillow angrily.

"We we're so close!" I said.

"Yeah, now we are way way off" said Matt.

"Ugh! Katy! where the frick did u go?" I said.

"Calm down" Matt said.

"Okay, okay" I said and sighed.

"Ever think Katy just wants a normal life, you know without us?" asked Shawn.

"Yeah" I said, Matt put his arm around me.

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found" said Shawn.

"I know you might be right, we saw the note she left Connor, it says something about telling us she's okay, that we don't have to worry, which makes me worry more" I said.

"So, where are we gonna stay while here?" Matt asked.

"You guys can stay here" said Shawn.

"Are you sure? we don't want to be any trouble to you guys" I said.

"Nah, it'll be fine" Shawn said and I nodded.

"Okay Shawn" I said and Matt smiled.

"Lets just see how things go with 5SOS" said Matt and I nodded, hopefully, this works out.

*The Next Day*

Sam's POV

"We're going! we're going! we're going!" said Kian jumping up and down.

"Your more excited than Nash, and this is for him you know?" I said, we all laughed.

"Yo Cartah" I said.

"Hey" said Carter.

"Why do u seem sad?" I asked.

"I'm not sad, I'm worried, Lexi hasn't called" he said.

"She's been gone a day, calm down" I said putting my arm around him, he sighed and nodded, we all got in the car.

*At The Concert*

"Tomorrow Never Dies!" they sang.

"They are really good" Carter said to Kian.

"Told you bro" said Kian.

"Something seems a little off" I muttered, maybe they did know where Katy was.

"Whats that Sam?" Cameron asked.

"Huh? oh nothing" I said.

"Okay" he said and we continued watching the concert.

"You still gonna ask?" Kian said going up to me.

"Lexi asked, and maybe they do know something, we won't know unless we ask" I said.

"Okay, sure" said Kian and he just sang along like any 13 year old girl would do around us.


"Where's...Ashton was it?" I asked, the three others were all looking, Kian shrugged.

"Beats me" he said.

"Ashton? where are you" said the greenish coloured haired boys hair, I walked up to them.

"Hey, do you guys know a Katy?" I asked quietly, the black haired one looked to the others and the blonde one nodded.

"Do you have any clue where she is?" I asked, Kian walked up behind me.

"Follow me" said the black haired one.

"Okay" I said and followed after him, Kian was coming but I turned to him.

"The others are gonna question this, tell them we're looking for Ashton" I said, he nodded and ran back, we ran to their tour bus.

"She was here! I swear!" he said.

"Calum right?" I asked.

"Yeah, what?" he asked.

"Do you think Ashton might have Katy?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe, but why would he take Katy?" Calum said.

"I'm not sure, but we need to find him" I said.

"Okay, well, we can't continue the tour without Ashton, would it be alright if we stayed with you guys?" he asked.

"Sure" I said and we went back.

Katy's POV

"Ashton! why the hell are you doing this?" I yelled kicking and screaming.

"I love you Katy, and Calum is just getting in the way of things, now your mine" he said.

"You're a bastard! How could you do this? I thought we were friends? I thought Calum was like a brother to u?!" I yelled.

"Shut up Katy" he said and I pursed my lips, i had to get out, I just had to.

Sam's POV

"Here we are" I said as we all entered the house, my phone rang.

L:Lexi S:Sam

L:Sam! How did it go?

S:Okay, they had her with them

L:Really?! So is she with you?

S:Here's the thing, no she isn't

L:What?! why?!

S:Ashton is missing, and Katy isn't there

L:Oh no

S:yeah, its not good

L:Me and Matt come back soon, we'll see what we can do.

S:Okay Lex

L:Thanks for the help Sammers.

She hung up and I sat on the couch, just when we thoughts things were going normal, our life is anything but.

A/N: Hello lovelies! so Cam's Draw My Life is being uploaded today, excited yet worried for it, anyone else?

I just had a thought, if u guys need someone to talk to, message me on wattpad or on kik

My personal:LukeTheFlukeHemmings


I'm here, I know what being bullied feels like and I want to be there for u guys.

Stay Frantastic!!

I love you all!


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