Chapter 79

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Katy POV

"That game was awesome!" I hugged Calum tightly. We were both just 16,in highschool still. I was watching his football(Soccer) game.

"Thanks. I try." He smirked as he bent over and kissed me sweetly.

I turned around to see Nash and his group of friends.

"I-I have to go." I said quietly pushing the frame of my glasses up my face.

"I'll text you later okay?" Calum winked and walked away.

"Ha! look at the nerd." Cameron cackled at me. I shivered as I played with the sleeve of my fuzzy blue sweater.

"What are you supposed to be,Cookie Monster?" Jack G. Asked.

"Makes sense. I mean you both are fat. Must be putting some pounds on huh Kath?" Aaron smirked at me evilly as I held back my tears.

"You wanna know what I don't get? Why is Calum dating you? Probably cause he pities you? Your just a scared little teenager. Your ugly. Noone likes you." He laughed pointing out everything wrong with me.

Carter walked up and shoved me to the ground.

My eyes bolted open as I panted heavily.

"Kath what's wrong?" Calum turned and looked at me worriedly as I broke into tears over my nightmare.

He instantly wrapped his muscular arms around me as I whimpered.

"Shhh shhh. What's wrong?" He rubbed my back soothingly as he kissed my nose.

"N-nightmare." I hiccuped in between sobs.

"What happened?" He asked trying to calm me down.

"I-I was a-at o-one of y-your football(soccer) games-"

"Was my playing that bad?" Calum laughed.

"T-then my brother showed up with his friends a-and." Calum rubbed my back.

"It's okay,deep breaths." He smiled and I took a deep breath.

"They said that you were only dating me because you felt bad for me." I sighed,pulling myself together.

"That isn't true. I love you and your perfect." He smiled pulling me into a hug before frowning. I was confused until I saw where his gaze was.

"Kate y-your arm." He stuttered abit.

"I'm sorry." I broke out sobbing into his chest.

"Shhh. Shhh. I'm here now okay. And I'm gonna make everything better because I love you."


I was woken up by my right arm being shooken. I blinked my eyes open to see complete darkness.

"Mom." Justin whimpered.

"What's wrong?" I took my glasses off the table and put them on since I was too lazy to put in contacts. I could now see Justin's red tear stained cheeks which added a hue to his pale face.

"I-I had a nightmare." He cried.

"Shh it's alright. Do you want me to tuck you in again?" I quieted him.

"NO!" He screeched as Calum grumbled and stirred next to me and woke up.

"Katy what's-"

"Daddy!" Justin cheered looking at Calum.

"Oh hey bud,what's up?" Calum smiled at Justin.

"He had a nightmare." I told him.

"Mother like son. Or is it son like mother?" Calum questioned confusedly.

"Like father like son i think is the term?" I asked.

Calum smirked at me until we were met with Justin's sobs.

"Justin what do you want us to do?" Calum asked.

"C-Can I s-sleep with y-you?" He hiccuped.

"Of course." Calum stood up and lifted justin off the ground placing him inbetween him and I in the bed.

"Goodnight Mommy. Night daddy." Justin yawned snuggling up to the stuffed animal teddy bear he had clutched in his hand.

"Night Bud." Calum yawned.

"Goodnight." I turned and smiled,genuinely happy for once.

Lexi POV


"Carter and I had been at his house where he saw a note from Phoebe on the table.

Dear Dad,

So your probably pissed off because Chris being the obnoxious brother he is probably told you that I left. But dont worry. I'm with Mom now. Yeah,I met her and we moved out together. But dont worry she cares about me Dad and thats what matters. Thats all I want. And she accepts the fact that I'm pregnant. Maybe I'll see you again Dad,but you'll have to make it up to me.
P.s. Please tell Thomas not to be worried

"Maggie!" Carter grumbled.

"Carter calm down Maggies responsible right? She knows what shes doing?" I said questionably.

"She leaves the kids lives for years,now all of a sudden she's back in their lives and took Phoebe!" He yelled.

"Carter calm-"

"NO ALEXIS DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" He yelled and I gasped. I thought he changed,but he was just like the old carter.

"Stop Carter Chris is-"

"Shut up lexi! You know what,leave me alone." And he did something I never thought he'd do. He slapped me in the face.

Thomas POV

"Alexis." I shook Alexis awake as I approached her bed.

"What?" She grumbled.

"I couldn't sleep last night and we always go to eachother to talk and I just came" I sighed.

"What is it Tom?" She sat up pushing her messy bed head out of her face.

"I'm worried. Phoebe left and its probably about the whole pregnancy thing,but I can't help it I still love her. And I don't trust this Connor guy Mom brought-"

"Hey guys sorry to interrupt but I made some pancakes Sydney's already awake so I heard talking and came here." Speak of the devil,it was connor.

"Yeah sure." Alexis stood up and slipped on her slippers as I grumbled and followed them to the kitchen.

Sydney was at the counter eating pancakes and we soon joined her.

"Thank you Connor." She smiled forking in a bite of pancakes.

"No problem." He smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

Somethings not right,I just know it.

Cameron POV (dun dun dun)

"I love you" Katy whispered as she kissed my collar bone.

"But I love you more." I pouted as she giggled and snuggled into my side.

"I miss this Cam." She stated staring up at me.

"Miss what?" I hummed.

"You and me. We used to be young and so in love Cam. What happened?" She sighed.

"I don't know Kat. I miss that to I miss-"

"Us." She cut me off as she slowly faded away.

"NO COME BACK!" I screeched.

"I can't cam. You promised to save me and you broke me." She said

I sat bolt upright in my bed dazed from my nightmare. Maybe what Lexi said was true. Maybe I did break her.

I really enjoyed writing the beginning part with Katy

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