The Morning Rush

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Okay So here is the thing being a Middle Schooler is not Easy. For the Last five years of my life there has been nothing except constant bullying and name-calling, 100% Horror Story.

**Goes Back Into The Past**

I met this girl Named Stephanie we became Next-Door Neighbors when we were 3 years old. On top of that we has the same birthday, December 25th A.K.A CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!! Once we both started elementary school at P.S. 69 it was like instant magic. We were in the same class from Kindergarten all the way till 5th grade. But here is where things got Tough. 6th grade she turned against me, 7th grade she tried to beat me up, like twice, and here we all are in 8th grade.......

**Goes Back Into Present-Time**

I wok up this morning with a horrible head-ache, I had to Rush out the door at meet Meghan, Since we Live 2 blocks away from Eachother and both of us live VERY CLOSE to the near-by Gas Station. Even with all that I didnt get to eat breakfast because my Mom forgot to go to the Grocery Store, AGAIN. So i had to unlock her bedroom door with the key in the closet and, well let's just say that I 《Borrowed》 $4.00 from her. I Quickly hurried to the Deli-Store as fast as I could and got two B.L.T's. "YES, one for now, and then another for lunch." I said. Quickly I stuffed one of the sandwiches in my bookbag and the other I slowley unwrapped and and ate exteremly fast. I swear I think I almost chocked. After walking up the Long hill to my school I saw Meghan who was giving me a very upset look. I was getting ready to speak but she interrupted me. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME I'VE BEEN STANDING OUT HERE IN THE COLD FOR 15 MINUTES WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???" Meghan screamed. "Uhm, here's the thing I didn't have any breakfast so I kinda went to the Deli and got a Sandwich." I told her. 《She gave me the annoyed look》"Girl, you know you could just eat the food they serve us here, FOR FREE right???" She said. I took a breath and sighed. "Meg, do you want me to die, 'cause that is what will end up happening if I eat the poisonous stuff, both you and I have seen Rats,Mice,and Roaches all around this Dump. We are basically eating Rodent & Insect Poop." I said and Meghan gave me a disgusted face. "O.M.G I FEEL LIKE THROWING UP RIGHT NOW!!!" She said hovering over the Gate. I looked at her and Busted out Laughing. She punched me in the arm. "That's NOT funny." She growled. "Yeah,Whatever." I said. I felt a weird vibration in my pocket so I took out my phone and checked the time. "NO,NO,NOOOO MEG WE ARE LATE IT'S 8:15 A.M." I screamed at her. We Quickly ran inside the building and walked up the stairs, finnally we reached the door. "Oh Shoot, it's Locked." Meghan said. I knocked on the door and got my other classmate's attention. Luckily it was my other bestie Abigail. She Quickly races to the door and opened it. We tip-toed Quietly to our desks. "Welcome back Ms.McLeod, I'm used to you being late but NOT YOU MS.ANDERSON!!!! Usually, you're one of my brightest students, I have no idea what has gotten into you lately but I'm very concerned." She said. "Oh I'm Sorry Ms.Thomas, But I was running late I had to get a breakfast sandwich and---" My teacher cut me off. "Look isabelle I don't care about your Little 《Morning Rush》 But I expect you to be early when you show up to my class not just when you feel like it. Let me warn you that you won't be so lucky NEXT TIME, young lady." Ms.Thomas told me. I gulped and and remained silent. "I will see you after class, ISABELLE" She looked me in a stern voice.

**20 Minutes Later**

Once our ELA class was over, she told me to sit down and I had a nervous look on my face. "Why do you look so worried?" She asked me. I tried to get the words out of my mouth to her. "Listen Ms.Thomas, the problem is that I have been very busy I work at The Animal Shelter on weekend's, and my after-school dance practice plus my soccer games on school nights it's a lot of work and I'm so exhausted that by the time I get to school I keep falling asleep in class and----" I catched my breath. "You aren't really the classes 《Favorite Teacher》and you remind me of my dad, he's always rushing me at home when I have to get certain places on time." I told her. Ms.Thomas smiled. "Isabelle, you didn't need to rush besides it's a Half-A-Day since towmorrow will be Winter-Break. Also don't Worry no matter how strict I can be I will always help any of my students in need." I began to smile at her. "You know what, you aren't as bad as I thought. You are actually A REALLY NICE teacher." I told her. She gave me a cheerful look. "Thank you Isabelle." Ms.Thomas told me. I gave her a hug amd walked downstairs to the Lunchroom with my coat on getting prepared to leave.

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