The Awkward Hook-Up

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I can't believe Meghan and Abigail set me up with Zack, right after he tried to embarrass me in front of his friends. I started walking up the hill with Meghan and Abigail. "Hey you're really quiet this morning, what's up?" Meghan asked. "YOU SET ME UP ON A DATE WITH THE WORST GUY IN THE SCHOOL AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO EITHER OF YOU BECAUSE YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO THAT!!!!" I screamed. "We're sorry isabelle" Abigail whispered. "I shouldn't have yelled at you two, I didn't mean to but---Just forget it anyway I will cancel my plans with Zack." I told them. We got inside the school and looked at the clock. Perfect,now I'm finally early for the first time to get in class. I opened the door and rushed to my seat. "Welcome Students, I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend, I know I did. Well, lets gets ready for a pop-quiz." My whole class groaned. "Question 1:What do you do when your date makes you pay for the check? Would you slap them, punch them, kick them, or just walk out the resturaunt?" Ms.Thomas asked us. "Um what does this have to do with Math Class?" Abigail asked. "GUESS WHAT, ALL OF YOU GET OUT MY CLASS RIGHT NOW!!!!" My teacher screamed. We all ran out the classroom and had a dance party in the hallway. Zack walked up to me amd pulled me away from my friends. "We need to talk now" He said with a stern voice. "There's is nothing to talk about, now go away!!!!" I screamed. "No I'm NOT LEAVING UNTILL WE TALK ISABELLE". He shouted. I sighed and walked into the staircase. Zack sat down next to me. "What do you want?" I asked him. "I--I need you back isabelle, I'm sorry for what I did, I shouldn't have embarrased you." He cried and laid his head on my shoulder. "Aw Zack, it's okay I forgive you, to be honest I WAS acting a little bratty yesterday." I laughed. "But still what I did wasn't right, next time I will control myself, I promise." Then we kissed. And then guess who ruined it, Vanessa. "HOW DARE YOU KISS MY MAN!!!" She screamed. "Uhm, we broke up, I am NOT your property, and you DON'T own me Vanessa." Zack scolded her. "Whatever, I am gonna get you, it may not be today, or even towmorrow---but I am DEFIDENTLY going to get revenge, especially YOU ISABELLE!!!" She screamed at me and ran off calling Stephnaie's name. My eyes started turning green, I was disgusted. Great, now there is really gonna be lots of drama today. Then our Lunch-Bell rang, Zack held my hand and walked to the cafeteria with me......

**10 minutes Later**

Once we got in the cafeteria we saw a tall man in glasses talking to our class. "So can one of you explain exactly WHY your class was dancing and acting super crazy in the hallway?" Our Principal Mr.Walker asked. My class just gave him blank stares. He puffed at us. "Well if you know why just come to my office immediately and whoever doesn't tell me by dismissal YOU ALL will suffer a major consequence." He told us and walked out the cafeteria. All we could do was look at each other for the next 20 minutes. We remained quiet. "So, wanna go out to the park later on?" Zack asked me grabbing my hand. "I KNEW IT YOU SET ME UP YOU ONLY APOLOGIZED TO ME BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO GO OUT WITH ME ON A DATE!!!!" I pulled my hand away. "Look its not my fault Abigail and Meghan said that I needed to《make it up to you》and to take you out on another date" He said. I shut my mouth and cried. Tgen it started raining. "Zack I love you but, I'm just not ready for this." I paused myself. "Ok fine it doesn't have to be a date, can't we just hang out?" He asked me. I gave me a graceful look. "Ok Zack but only IF you promise to not do anything Stupid this time." I scolded him then, my eyes were turned blue and I started crying. The rain was pouring outside. "I won't let you down, izzy." He said. That's when he hugged me and my eyes began to turn yellow and the sun was shining. "I knew I could make you smile." He said. "NO I DON'T SMILE!!!" I started blushing. "Oh really?" He asked with a suspicious face. He grabbed me by the waist and tickled me as hard as he could. "Zack stop it!!!" I giggled trying to resist. Finally he let go of me. "Yuck, I hate this school lunch." Abigail said. "Then why are you still eating the pizza?" Meghan said. "Jeez girl I AM HUNGRY!!!!" Abigail laughed. "Ok, relax guys. Its not that big of a deal." Teanna said. Zack leaned in and kissed me. "Okay Love-Birds you both can stop now." Teanna said. "Oh Shut Up." I said pausing from our kiss. Then we continued but where interrupted. "Ewww this isn't a hickey-salon ISABELLE" Stephanie said. My eyes turned Green, and then we saw Lightning through the window. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked her. "Go get a life!!!" Zack added on to me. "Meh, whatever Losers." Stephanie said. Then our dismissal bell rang and we all packed our stuff and went home....

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