The Start of our Lives

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Wow Guys, So Me and my friend's are going to a college campus and we are almost close to the end, LUCKILY there is.... A Twist. You will find out THAT in the end of this chapter, So on with the show....

Once Teanna and Bella arrived at their new home, they quickly unpacked. We stayed for a few hours but Meghan, Abigail, and I had to go collect our suitcases. We told them goodbye and that we would call them once we got off the plane. My mom drove the three of us to the airport and we hugged them. Then we finally got on the plane and waited to get to Fordham Universtiy.......

***7 Hours Later***

We finally got off the plane and arrived on campus,. "We are finally here I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!" Meghan squealed. "We don't even know if we are gonna be in the same dorm Meg, chill out." Abigail growled. "Let's just hope there is a room for only three people." I begged. The Principal came out. "Each Girl will be paired with a boy. Meghan you are with Justin and Bella, Abigail you are going to be with Matthew and Vanessa, Oh and Isabelle you are getting paired with Teanna and Zack." Mr.Clark said looking at me and smiling. "WAIT.....ZACK???" Quickly I turned around Zack came running up to me. Aare again we kissed for a long time. "YOU CAN STOP NOW!!!" Mr.Clark scolded us. We all went to our dorms and unpacked........

During Lunch they were mad. "Justin kept trying to kiss me" Meghan said. "Oh and Matthew had wanted me to be his 《Little Peasent》and bring all his food and chlothes AND DO HIS HOMEWORK TOO!!!!" Abigail yelled. "Oh My Gosh, guys I'm sorry that you had to be with those jerks. Hopefully Mr.Clark will let you switch dorms." I said. They both nodded their heads and when the bell rang we had to go to our separate classes......

"Isabelle, Abigail, and Meghan please report to the pricipal's office immediately." The speaker beamed. We all got up and went to the office. We quickly opened the door and went inside. "So you girls wanted to change your dorms?" Mr.Clark asked. We all looked surprised. "How did you---" Meghan was cut off. "Matthew and Justin came into my office during lunch and told me that they overheard you talking about it. So, I have something to tell you girls. I am not able to switch your forms because there is no space left once my students and assigned to their rooms they have to stay their permanently. I'm sorry but I just can't help fit them anywhere else, so you will have to work it out and solve your problems alone." He scolded us. We all remained silent and agreed, then headed to our next class. "I have art with Justin and Matthew so you two are okay." I told them. "Yea for now." Meghan growled. "The both of us have Math class." Abigail smiled. "Okay see you guys later." I waved to them. "We will talk later." Meghan said. And then we all went our separate ways....

Trouble Is My Friend  (Middle School Series)Where stories live. Discover now