The Raffle

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I had to go home early b/c of a stupid doctor's appointment. But I got a text from some random number on my phone with a Link."Huh Maybe I should check it out?" I thought to myself. And it was a good thing that I did b/c I found this...

 And it was a good thing that I did b/c I found this

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They were literally AWESOME. "Oooh Pretty, I WANT THEM!!!!" Olivia squealed. "No honey, those are MINE. Remember Isabelle I'm a size 12." Niaomi said. "NONE OF YOU ARE GETTING THEM IT'S ONLY ONE PAIR LEFT AND I AM BUYING IT FOR MYSELF!!!" I yelled at them. They started tearing up and I just rolled my eyes and took out my credit card to buy the sneakers. "And.........Done. The sneakers will be delivered here towmorrow." I told them. "Oh, man I wanted a pair me and Naiomi are the same size we could've taken turns for different days." Olivia wailed. "OH NO, I don't know where your nasty feet have been." Niaomi teased her. "GET OUT of my room." I growled at them. Olivia grabbed her doll, remained quiet and walked out but Niaomi stopped herself from leaving. She gave me a suspicious look. "Why did you want those sneakers so badly anyway?" She asked me. "Because they are the only ones left PLUS mom and dad haven't been making a lot of money since their paychecks got cut so since I have my own credit card I decided to buy myself some new sneakers because my feet grew out of those white-&-black Adidas." I told her. "Why can't me and Olivia get new sneakers?" She said. "Seriously, don't you remember that they just bought BOTH OF YOU brand-new Twinkle-Toe sneakers yesterday?" I asked her. "No I DO, but it's not fair that you get those new sneakers. It's like if Elsa created shoes for people to wear, SHE WOULD LITERALLY MAKE THOSE!!!" Niaomi said. I rolled my eyes and yawned. "Look Niaomi you just have to deal with it okay. I'm older and you're younger meaning that I will always have something a Little-bit Better than you. Got it?" I asked her. She gave me a very upset look. "Whatever, but if those 《special sneakers》go missing, don't come crying to me when it happens." She said. "Is that a Threat OR A Warning cause either way its's not working. Besides, both of you are 9 years old I am sure you'll survive through it." I started mocking her and that's when she started to throw a tantrum. "I'm telling.....MOOOOOM!!!" She ran across the hallway. "Well, too bad stop being an ungrateful little bitch and maybe that won't happen to you." My mom said. I couldn't help it, I started bursting out laughing so hard that my stomach started hurting. Niaomi quickly rushed back into my room. "It's not funny." She cried. "Yea-yea, just go play with Olivia." I told her. She whimpered and stomped all the way out my room. I sighed and slammed the door. "NOW STAY OUT!!!" I yelled and flopped on my bed, and went to sleep.......

***The Next Day***

BUM BUM-BUM BUM BUM-BUM BUM!! I constantly heard that sound for over 20 minutes. "ISABELLE HURRY UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!!" My dad shouted. I got dressed and ran into the Living Room. "Where's Mom?" I asked him. "Your Mom had to do a quick shift at the hospital last night so she will come home in a few minutes---and she took the car so put your walking shoes on. Your sister's and already waiting for us, Let's Go." He said. I quickly grabbed 4 Granola Bars off the counter and rushed outside. I handed them to Olivia, Niaomi, and Dad. "Why aren't you at work Dad?" Olivia asked. "I have the day-off, oh and Isabelle your package for your sneakers are here and---" I interrupted my Dad once I grabbed the box out of his hands and ripped off my Adidas. But then right the-blink-of-an-eye the sneakers were already on my feet. "Jeez those are BIG, what size are you Bigfoot?" Olivia said her and Niaomi were all dressed up in their Sunshine-Girls outfit, I forgot that they had a performance today at my school apparently it's about:"Why You Should Be Kind." Niaomi and Olivia snickered. "Listen you little weasles you better shut those big-fat ego mouths of yours before I put my fist where the sun DON'T  shine!!!!" I raised my voice at them. "ALRIGHT ENOUGH,JUST WALK ALREADY!!!" My dad yelled. We started walking to my school.....

***20 Minutes Later***

We finally walked into the auditorium and I ran to where my class was and sat down. I saw Niaomi and Olivia rush with the rest of her group on stage and they started singing a very annoying song called:Friendship-Forever. When they were done talking about all that stupid "Kindess and Happiness" junk my class got up and transitioned to the Cafeteria. Meghan, Abigial, Teanna, and Vanessa were sitting at the table waiting for me. "Where's Bella?" I asked. "She's coming right now she just bought a Lemonade-Smoothie, be careful around her." Abigail warned. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the line to buy pizza and I was in the middle of  Olivia then---SLAPSH!!!! "OMGOSH I AM REALLY SORRY ISABELLE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" Bella cried. "It's okay" I smiled. But it WASN'T   my brand-new sneakers that I just got were already ruined thanks to Bella's clumsiness. "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SNEAKERS!!!!" Abigail exclaimed. "Relax, I can just wash it off." I told her. "They are LITERALLY RUINED don't worry I'll go get some napkins..." Abigail said. "I WILL COME WITH YOU!!" Bella shouted but then stopped and she whispered in my ear,"Next time you aren't going to be so lucky because that won't be the only that I destroy." She gave me wicked smile and walked out with Abigail. --RING--RING--RING-- Wow, that's just great now I have to go to class with gross soggy shoes.....

"Welcome Students today you will be taking an online-test. So, Good Luck." Mr.Morgan gave each of us a Laptop and Headphones. I luckily used Google to help me answer all of the math questions on the exam. It wasn't even that hard, after you cheat that is. "Hey Earth to Isabelle, STOP DAY DREAMING AND FOCUS, WE HAVE TO GO TO SCIENCE!!!" Meghan said. "Sorry Meg, I just Really hope that I get what I want CD this year. The Lead-Role in the school play:Beauty & The Beast. During my audition the director said I was PERFECT for Belle and the cast list will be posted towmorrow." I said. "Don't get your Hope's up too high, unlike you I was born to be beauty because unlike you I have:TRUE BEAUTY" Vanessa said. I rolled my eyes. "Honestly the only Beauty that you have is A troll's and they look even better than you do, cause I bet under all that fake-ass Make-up and all those Raggy-Wigs, is just a Living-Hell, and compared to the devil you are worst than him, so if I really we're YOU I'd stick to the script and fill out as THE BEAST. Oh no then that would be cruel to the beast, oh you could be The Little Rock that is the PERFECT  role for you Vanessa." I told her. "UGH I HATE YOU!!!" she screamed. "OH GO TO HELL!!!" Bella said. "HEY I thought you were on MY SIDE Bestie?" She winked. "Hmm, NO see I can't deal with ugly-fakers like YOU plus you are just TOO DISGUSTING that I can't even be seen with you." Bella waved her hand and pushed Vanessa into the floor. We all bursted out laughing. Kayla, Teanna, and Justine all took-out their phones and made videos. Vanessa sat on the floor and cried Pitifully. Then Zack had  approached us and rolled his eyes at Vanessa. WHAM-WHACK-POW!!! "OH PLEASE BE QUIET VANESSA I DIDN'T EVEN SLAP YOU THAT HARD!!!" He yelled. "I can't believe you hit me. I'm just a little girl." Vanessa cried. "YOU LITTLE BITCH IF YOU WERE LITTLE YOU'D BE IN KINDERGARTEN  BUT YOU AND I BOTH KNOW YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO BE PUT THEM ANYWAY. SO SHUT YOUR LYING MOUTH BEFORE I GIVE YOU A BLACK EYE!!!!" Zack Shouted. She remained quiet walked out the classroom door and into the girl's bathroom. We all started laughing really loud. "We showed HER who's the boss of this school." Abigail said and we all agreed. "Attention all student's unfourtanetly due to an unexpected snow storm you have to now go home, and there is NO-SCHOOL towmorrow as well"  The Speaker commented. We rushed to the Homeroom grabbed our coats and ran out the door as fast as we could. "Let's make our plan's A.S.A.P by towmorrow, okay everyone?" I asked. "Defidently." They all said. We each left our separate ways and went home.....

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