The Fist-Fight

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Me amd my friends were invited to hang out with Stephanie and her friends at a sleepover. We all went in the woods but when we came back to Stephanie's house two people were missing Teanna and Bella. Everybody was laughing and having lots of fun when Teanna bursted into the door with blood covering every inch of her chlothes. "What the Hell Teanna?" Meghan screamed. "It's all Bella's fault I had no other choice, I knocked her out but she might be------gone" Teanna mumbled as Me and my friends all screamed. Stephanie took out her phone, "I'm calling the cops." She said. We heard the phone ringing and Stephanie stepped outside in the hallway and Abigail started recording everything. "Did you do it Vanessa?" Stephanie asked. "Ok Good We have her caught, the cops on their way, Thanks for helping me Frame Teanna she's gonna get in so much trouble but make sure that you're finger-prints aren't on the knife." She whispered on the phone. "I got it, Abigail stopped Recording and saved the video in her phone......

***15 Minutes Later****

BOOM---BOOM----BOOM!!!! "It's the cops open the door. " The policeman yelled. He busted in and ran straight for Teanna with the handcuffs. "You have the right to remain silent." He said. "NOOO, STOP DON'T TAKE HER AWAY!!!!" We yelled. "SHUT UP!!!" The Officer yelled. We all started crying amd sobbing. So Vanessa did it? At least Abigail has the video now.... I thought to myself, but my eyes turned red amd I stared at Stephanie. "YOU MADE TEANNA GUILTY FOR MURDER IT WAS SOMETHING THAT SHE DIDN'T EVEN DO!!! SO YOU BETTER MARK MY WORDS, YOU WILL BE SORRY STEPHANIE!!!" I screamed. Stephanie cried and ran out her room. "We are SO getting revenge now" Meghan growled. We all nodded our heads. Stephanie ran back inside and punched Meghan in the face. Meghan fouggt back and scratched her. Tgen Bella stepped in and slapped Meghan. Me and my friends jumped in and next thing you know we are all fighting eachother The Plastic Squad .VS. My group. "STOP IT!!!" Her Dad yelled. "Isabelle, you and yoyr friends need to go home...." Her Mom said. Me and my group gathered our stuff went outside and waited for a taxi to pick us up and take us to my house.....

***10 Minutes After***

We arrived at my house we all ran into my bedroom and got in the bed. My mom called the police station and said her trial would actually begin towmorrow. We were all worried but Eventually everyone fell asleep, except for ME!!!! Have you ever had a night where you couldn't sleep well that's how I was. I don't even think thst I'd blinked that whole night. I just hoped that based on Abigail's video, Teanna wouldn't be in Jail anymore.

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