The Funny-Fail

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Once we arrived at i-Hop my parents took us to a reserved A Party-Room. "Welcome to i-Hop what would you--" The waiter trailed off. "FOOOOOD!!!" Stehpanie & Meghan ran to the person and CRASH--SLAM!!! the dishes fell all over the floor and they were covered in sauces and left-over's. "Nigga damn I thought you would be more respectful than that." The waiter said. "Look at this cool toy." Olivia said, pointing it at them. "Nooo!!!" Maggie and Stephanie cried but it was too late, she blasted them with a Laser-Light, and we saw them slowly turning smaller. "Woah, OH--MY--GOD!!!" Niaomi said in shock. "Oops...." Olivia said. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Maggie said in a tiny voice. "Aww they are babies." Olivia said. "Make us normal right now." Stephanie stomped her little foot. "Sorry gotta find a cure." Olivia apologized. "Hey Kids what---- what have you done Liv." My Mom and Dad were scared as they stared at Maggie and Stephanie. "My parents are put of town so you better fix us before this weekend." Maggie said. "I know who can help us......Dr science teacher but works for NASA to help with finding cures." She told us. "So there is a cure for turning a baby into an adult?" My dad asked. "Yes, I hope that it's a possibility. But we will take to her afterschool on monday." She said. "That's great and all but HOW AM I SUPPOSSED TO EAT.....I'm a baby, or pay for this dinner." Stephanie asked. "I have your wallet." Maggie said. "Uhm what the Fuck, how did you even get my....Oh nevermind, I WANNA EAT!!" Stephanie whined. "Ok, Waiter we need two baby-high chairs." I told the man he walked over to us. "Weren't there two other girls with you?" He asked. "What are you talking about." Bella purposely asked him stupidly. "There was nobody here." Jemma said. "Uhm are you okay sir?" Meghan asked. "Yea I just need to lay down I think I'm seeing double..." The waiter walked off and called a woman to get our food. "My name is Alexa would you all like?" She asked. "Four Adult Cheeseburger-Deluxe Meals, Two Chicken Nugget Kid-Meals, and Three Lobster-&-Crab Cake Meals."
Chealse said. "Your orders will be ready in 50 minutes." Alexa said. "Okay Thank you." I told them. "Are you kidding me I cant wait that long I WANT FOOD RIGHT NOW" Kayla whined. "Oh shut your little petty-ass mouth, you are being worse than Niaomi and Olivia. You sure that you didn't accidentally get you're brain replaced with a baby's cause you are acting like one." I snapped at her. Alexa delivered our drinks then after Kayla drank a sip of her lemonade she started acting crazy all she kept doing was asking weird questions. "Is there an off-switch for her?" Maggie asked. "Sadly No." I sighed "What happened to Alice and Teanna." Kayla asked. "Teanna moved to California and Alice......I don't know what happened to her." I said. "She went to JUVY." Stephnaie said. "What's that?" Olivia asked. "Its a jail for kids." I said. "Wait how old do you have to be to go to jail?" Niaomi asked. "It depends on what crime you make." Bella said I looked and slapped her. "What was that for?" She cried. "Just shut up." I growled "Your food is here." Alexa gave us our dinner. "What about the babies?" She asked. "Oh do you have any Choclate Chip Pancakes?" I asked her. "Yes I will order two plates for the babies." She quickly ran to the kitchen with the other workers."I'm not a baby, I'm 13." Maggie said and we all laughed. Alexa have them the food and we all finished eating. A man came asking for our check so I gave it to him. "Ha thanks suckers." He pulled off this suit and had on a grey hoodie with blue jeans then ran out the resturaunt. "Great, now what do we do he took our money." Chealse shouted. "Mom, Dad, We need money." I said. "Sure here's 70 bucks for all our food." They gave us the stack of cash and I gave it to The Real manger. "How will we get our money back?" Niaomi asked. "I think I saw the robber go down Brooklyn Boulevard, Let's go." My parents raced into the car chasing after the robber my dad jumped out of the car and tackled him on the ground and took off his mask. "Ethan??" My dad exclaimed. "Why is mom in Jail?" He growled. "She hurt me." Olivia said rolling down the window. "So what." He said. "Listen Ethan....You BETTER stay away from my family......or else." My dad warned him and got back in the car, with my mom driving us home....

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