The Friendship Battle

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Ms.Thomas gave us suspicious-looks "Why were you both late to my class?" She said and the whole class stared at us I felt really uncomfortable and started sweating but Meghan was completly frozen. "Uhm, Ms.Thomas we didn't come on time b-b-bec-'cause there's a thing that specifically girls go thrpigh and it's a stage called....." I trailed off. "SHUT UP ISABELLE, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS JUST TAKE A SEAT, YOU TOO MEGHAN!!!" She shouted and everyone was still looking at us. Meghan ran to her seat but I walked to the middle of the room amd grabbed a chair. "Where do you want me to take it?" I asked the teacher. "TAKE A SEAT, ISABELLE!!!" she yelled. "Yea I DID take a seat but where do you want me to put it
now?" I asked her as my classmates where laughing so hard. But the only thing that Ms.Thomas could do was give me a very super cold-hard-look. "JUST SIT DOWN!!!" She screamed. I ran to my desk and sat down. I saw Meghan give me a shocked face, she has NEVER seen me act like 《the class clown》before. Abigail was covering her mouth she looked as if she could just burst out giggling right now. Eventually she took a couple of breaths and finally calmed down. I continuaslly watched the clock waiting for the time to hit 2:30 p.m. so we could go home and I'd be able to meet up with Zack at the park. At last the bell rang. "HAVE A NICE DAY KIDS!!!" Ms.Thomas shouted and we all gathered our coats at dismissal....

Once I got down the hill I saw Zack he ran up to me and Hugged me we both held hands and walked to the park. But I stopped myself and didn't move, I heard somebody's camera click I saw Vanessa AGAIN hiding in the bushes. "WATCH YOU BACK ISABELLE!!!" And she ran off. My eyes turned red and we heard thunder. "She's up to something bad I can feel it." The wind blew in my hair I raised up my arms and heard Mother Nature's voice, "Be careful amd hide your realtion-ship with Zack, nobody can be trusted." I calmed myself down "She isn't worth it anyway, let's just forget about her." Zack nodded his head. "HEY ISABELLE!!!" I heard Ethan call my name as he ran towards us. "Who's this dude?" Zack gave Ethan a very sharp-look. "Ethan this is Zack, my boyfriend." I gulped. "Isabelle I used to have a crush on you, but when I moved away it REALLY hurt bad and well, I missed you and developed feelings for you." He said. "WELL SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU, I AM HER BOYFRIEND NOW SO YOU ARE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT!!!" Zack Shouted. "I'm sorry Ethan but even though we had 《The-Crushies》 for eachother its over I've moved on and you should too." I cried. "YOU WILL REGRET THIS ISABELLE!!!!" He shouted and started walking away. "ETHAN WAIT!!!" I grabbed his arm. "DON'T TOUCH ME, GET OFF" He slapped me and I fell to the ground. "OH YOU PUSHED MY BUTTONS NOW MAN, NOBODY HITS ISABELLE WHEN I AM AROUND!!!" Zack Yelled and raced towards Ethan Sucker-Punching him in the stomach and Black-eyed Ethan, then pushed him to the ground. "STOP IT!!!!" I screamed amd Zack looked at me. "Go Home, NOW ZACK!!!" I exclaimed. He quickly kissed me on the cheek and ran off. I stood up and helped Ethan up too. I walked him home. "Thanks, Isabelle." He said. "No problem, and be careful male sure you take care if your eye." I told him. He hugged me, and went inside. My mom pulled up and drove me home....

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