The Past-Life

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I got home and Olivia was sitting on my bed crying. "What's wrong" I asked her. "Mom and Dad are arguing with Savannah and---she wants to take Stephanie with her to move to a New place." She said. "GOOD I dont have to see her anymore." I said. "No you don't understand, she wants to take ME with her." Olivia sobbed amd I heard my parents screaming at Savannah. "It's okay she isn't taking you anywhere--I won't let her." I said. "Come on Olivia let's go." Savannah bursted into my room. "Call the police." My mom yelled. "Hello 911, come quick we live on 2075 Bronxwood." I cried on the phone.....

**30 Minutes Later**

BAM--BAM--BAM!!!! We heard the door constantly bang amd the police came in. "What is the problem?" The officer asked. "She doesn't have custody of my daughter amd wants to take her even though she is the mother." My dad said. "Sir if you want we can take this to court towmorrow. But if she is the mother then she will stay overnight at my wife's house with her daughter's so she HAS to take the child but I will make sure all of you go to the court towmorrow." He told us and guided Savannah, Stephanie, and Olivia into his car. "NO--NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!!!" Niaomi cried running to Olivia. "Its okay, we will be together soon." Olivia hugged Niaomi and held her hand, but Savannah pulled them apart dragging Olivia into the car and drove away. "Bye Sis...." Niaomi's voice trailed off and she sobbed into my arms. "Don't worry honey, she WON'T get away with this." My dad said while holding her but my mom started to cry and I hugged her too. "Let's just discuss all of this towmorrow." I said we all headed back into the house then I laid on my bed and texted Zack....

" I said we all headed back into the house then I laid on my bed and texted Zack

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I sat on my bed and cried. "What's Wrong Izzy?" My mom said coming in my room. "Zack and I just broke-up." I sobbed. "what did he do?" She asked. "Why dont you ask STEPHANIE, that's his new girlfriend besides they used to date so I wouldn't be surprised if they got back together." I yelled. "Don't worry about it, besides I know you will find another boy." She hugged me. "Thanks Mom." I said. "We have to get ready for towmorrow so get some sleep." She said. "Ok goodnight." I said and she left my room.....

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