The Courtroom (Part One)

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My dad had drove us very early to the courthouse and we saw Savannah with Olivia and Stephanie. "Are you okay, did she hurt you?" My mom ran to Olivia. "Yes I'm fine" Olivia said calming her down. "Excuse Me, You all may go inside." The officer escorted us to our seats....

"This is the case of Olivia McLeod's Custody Battle, Savannah VS Melanie Anderson. Please Begin" The judge ordered as my mom and Savannah stood up and held their hand pleading the truth. "Your Honor, This isy Daughter so I should be able to take care of her without people interfering and trying to steal my child away from me." Savannah said. "First of all you don't have custody of her." My mom said. "And why is that?" The judge asked. "Because for the past 3 years she was in Jail because she was arrested for: DWI, Endangering The Safety Of Children, And illegally having the possession of a gun. ALSO her daughter Stephanie was charged with Assult and Murder" My Mom said. "So uhm, would perfer to call A witness Ms.Savannah?" The judge asked and she nodded her head with Stephanie and Olivia approaching the stand. "Hello Your Honor, I would like to say that our mother deserves custody of us because she hasn't seen us in 12 years and this has been THE FIRST year that our mother has reunited with us and we've both really missed her A LOT!!!"  Stephanie said looking at Savannah amd the two of them had tears starting to fill their eyes. "Okay and how about you Olivia what do you have to say about your Mom?" The Judge asked as both her and Niaomi made a constant back-&-forth eye contact. "I just can't do this....I'm sorry Mom and Stephanie but I have to tell the truth....they are lying My Step-Mother DOES have custody of me but also my mother deserves to be with me...." She cried. "So which side do you choose?" The judge asked and Olivia looked at Niaomi. "I will now choose---- Mrs.Anderson." Olivia said running to me hugging Niaomi. The Lawyer handed the judge a packet and he looked through it. "Well I have the results in the case of Olivia McLeod's Custody Battle, Savannah VS Melanie the parent who will win custody of the child is------STEPHANIE!!!"  The Judge said banging his gavel and my eyes turned white. "Nooo I'm not going with her all she's gonna do is abuse me." Olivia cried as the officers dragged her away to Savannah. "She will be okay----right sis?" Niaomi gave me her little Sad-Eye look and tears filled her eyes. "I hope so." I hugged her and walked out the room with my family.......

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