The Shocking Discovery

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I woke up to find a woman next to me. "WHO ARE YOU???" I screamed. "Olivia, Ethan, Stephanie. Come here please." They all appeared in my bedroom. "I am their mother." She said. "My Name is Savannah McLeod." She told me. I was shocked and I wanted to cry. "MOOOOOOM!!!!!" I yelled. My parents appeared in my room and explained that Olivia's family would be staying in the guest floor. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it and started to cry. "STOP BEING A DRAMA QUEEN. ALL OF YOU GET DRESSED AND GO TO SCHOOL." My Dad screamed. We all got ready for school and 《Savannah》drove us to school. We finally got to the building. "Where's Ethan?" Olivia asked. "Thanks to your SISTER, he's in jail." She sarcastically told her looking at me. "Let's just go inside." I ignored her walking into the building. I saw my group and they all stared at Stephanie. "Well,Well,WELL!!!! If it isn't all my friends who stabbed me in the back." She said. "WE NEVER BETRAYED YOU!!! ALL YOU DID WAS HURT, ABANDON, AND THEN CONSTANTLY GOSSIPPED ABOUT ALL OF US BEHIND OUR BACKS. Face it, you were a bad friend." Lilly, Bella, and Kayla told her. She just rolled her eyes and stomped her feet all the way upstairs to the classroom. "Geez I HER so much." Abigail said. "Well it gets WORSE now she is living with my family and her mother is also Olivia's and Ethan's mom so they all are living on the 3rd floor of my house while me and my family are on the 2nd and 1st floor." I growled at her and Teanna stood by my side and held my shoulder. "Don't worry the bitch and her family will go back to hell where they belong." She comforted me. "But not with Olivia, why can't she take Niaomi I HATE THAT LITTTLE BRAT, Olivia is an Angel." I said. They all giggled at me. "Come on, let's just hurry up and go to class." Kayla said and we all went in the hallway walking to Ms.Johnson's room......

We came in the classroom and saw, Matheww and Zack, were singing the Eggs,Bacon,Grits,Sausage:Song but they were standing on the table TWERKING. Me and my friends were bursting out laughing, and Kayla, Bella, Stephanie, and Lilly took out their phones and recorded it on Snapchat, but then our teacher Ms.Johnson came in the classroom she picked up a chair and threw it at them but it hit Zack right in the head. He fell to the ground with the side of his face bleeding. "OH MY GOSH YOU ARE A MURDERER!!!!" Abigail screamed rushing to his side. "Shut up and Relax, You little Drama Queen, he's only unconscious he will probably be in a coma for about a week or two." My teacher sarcastically said and Abigail ran up to Ms.Johnson with a bat and banged it upside her face. "THAT, is for hurting my friend." Abigail yelled at her. "Uhm where did this BISH get a bat from?" Ms.Johnson said holding her black-eye. "EASY, I GOT IT FROM YOUR FAT-ASS, YOU NO TITTIES LITTLE BLACK POTATO-HEAD, TROLL FACE DONKEY!!!" Abigail yelled. "OOOOOH SHE TOLD YOU. #ROASTED!!!!" Meghan jumped into the conversation. The whole class started laughing and the teacher had tears falling from her eyes. "Does it look like I care about your salty tears? NO, now get out of my face!!!" Abigail yelled and the teacher ran out of the classroom. But then our Principal Mr,Clark walked in and was shocked. "Uhm, can someone explain WHY you're teacher is crying?" He asked. "And where Is Cynthia and Destiny?" He added. "Oh they died" Meghan said with an evil smirk hiding the knife behind her back. "Uhm, where is my brother?" Abigail asked. "Anthony was supposed to come with us to Basketball practice." Matheww said then we all turned around and looked at Meghan. "Don't look at me, I didn't kill Anthony, only Cynthia and Destiny......Oops!!!" Meghan's cheeks started to blush and her face turned red. "SECURTIY!!!" Mr.Clark yelled. "NOOOO YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" Meghan started to run away while the Guards were chasing after her down the hallway. "Anthony Is YOUR BROTHER?" I yelled. "Yea, he is." She told me. "IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU GUYS WERE LYING TO ME ABOUT???" I screamed. "No, nothing comes to mind." Kayla, Bella, and Lilly said. "Dont you are Lie to me" I told them. "We aren't PROMISE." They said. "Meh, Whatever." I told them and we walked downstairs to the Lunchroom....

"This Is Nicholas, he's my NEW BOYFRIEND!!!" Stephanie smirked at Meghan. "OMG, are you dating.....MY EX?" started crying and ran out the Lunchroom. "We'll hold the table." Lilly whispered and I ran after Meghan to the bathroom. Stephanie came in with me. "GET OUT!!!" She yelled. "Meg I'm sorry......" Stehpanie's voice trailed off. Meghan took her bat and ran to her. BOOM---BOOM!!! She was finally unconscious. "I'll go get the nurse." I told Meghan.

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