The New Girls

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On my way to lunchroom I saw Stephanie, Vanessa and the Detention Girls. "Don't look at them, they can smell fear Izzy." Meghan said. "Don't be ridiculous that's not even possible." Bella said. "Guys, cut it out." I told them. "You Izzy get over here!!!" One of the Detention girls said. I walked over and sat with them. "I'm Maggie." A girl with Purple hair said. "But Jemma is the red-haired girl, Anna is the girl with Green-hair and Chealse is the girl who got Blue-hair." Maggie said. The all glared at me and I was dripping nervously with lots of sweat. "Well I'm gonna go now....." My voice trailed off. "OH NO YOU DON'T-----sit down we aren't finished with you." Vanessa said. "I-I'm sorry. What do you want with me?" I asked. "Nothing. Just wanted to see if Steph was telling us the truth. You really are A-Goody-Two-Shoes." Jemma said and the rest of the girls laughed at me. "Okay, well nice knowing you bye everyone." I smiled and handed them all cookies. "Uhm wait are these Almond cookies?" Chealse asked me. "Yes why?" I gulped. "I HATE THESE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHAT KIND OF PERSON EATS ALMONDS?" Chealse yelled at me. "I'm sorry how about chocolate?" I asked. "Sure I'll take one." She said and I handed her a choclate cookie. "Thanks, you know Izzy---you know you're actually not all that bad for A-Goody-Two-Shoes." She said. "Oh thanks, I'm gonna go back withy friends now..." I said quietly. "Bye LOSER!!!" Stephanie said and I rolled my eyes while quickly running away to join my friends at our table. "Yo What happend?" Meghan asked. "Nothing was bad they just wanted to get to know me that's it." I told them. "I STILL don't trust them." Bella said. "Whatever they are nice that's all that matters." I said. "Wassup?" Zack said kissing me on th he cheek. "Nothing just talking about the Stephanie and her 《new friend》 group." I told him. "Well as long as you don't have any problems with them, then you are fine." He said. "Exacltly I told you so." I gloated at Bella and she rolled her eyes. For the rest of the period we joked around and ate our lunch talking about our weekends but then we all couldn't stop thinking about Abigail and Lilly. "I just hope they are ready for that baby." I told them looking at the messages. "They will be fine, don't worry about it." Bella calmed me down. RING--RING--RING!!! The bell rang and we went to our next class......

"Hello Students how was your..." Our teacher Ms.Thomas's voice trailed off. "Uhm, Zack---WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE TABLE!!!!" She screamed. We all looked at Zack and he was doing a funny Dance on the desks with Matthew and Anthony. "Baby Shark doo-doo-doo-doo, Baby Shark doo-doo-doo-doo, BABY SHARK!!!" Anthony started. "No that isn't the right song----I'M BLUE....DA-BA-DEE!!! YES I'M BLUE DA-BA-DYE!!!" Matthew sang. "Both of you SHUT UP those are the wrong lyrics....I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME. WE ARE ALL DRUNK AND CRAZY. WITH A GREAT BIG HUG AND A STAB FROM ME AND YOU. LET'S JUST SAY I HATE YOU TOO!!!!" Zack continued singing the song. "Get down from here before you hurt yourself." Bella warned him. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU LITTLE---WOOOAAAH!!!!" Zack slipped off the desk amd hit his head. "Hahaha that is going straight to my YouTube Page." Ms.Johnson laughed. "Don't just stand there, HELP HIM!!!" Meghan said. "Meh no way he is Fine." Ms.Johnson said. RING-RING-RING!!! The last bell rang as Meghan and Bella helped bring Zack to the nurse. "You are all dismissed NOW GET OUT!!!" She screamed amd we all walked out with our coats on.....

Me and my friends were walking to the bus swhen Jemma and her friends had stopped me. "Yo Izzy hold up. We kinda wanna talk to you for a minute." She said. "Uhm okay. Zack call me later?" I asked."Sure bye babe." He kissed me amd walked away. The girls took me to the park and we all sat on the grass. "Aww babe, that's cute." Jemma teased. "YOU CAN'T TRUST HIM." Maggie said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Duh he's a cheater look I caught him kissing some girl her name is Victoria." Maggie said and showed me the photo.

" Maggie said and showed me the photo

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"Guys that was his little sister." I said. "Then why does she look like she's in high school?" Maggie asked. "Hey that girl is in MY CLASS!!" Chelase said. "See I told you." Maggie said. "Whatever you all are Liars you just wanna split-up me and Zack." I told them as I got up and ran away. "Isabelle wait we just wanna help you we don't want you to end up like Stephnaie!!!" Maggie was yelling and running after me into the park but she tackled onto the grass and I quickly got up. "STEPHANIE??? This was about her. Wait--what does she have to do with ME" I asked her. "Her and Zack they used to be a couple......." She really wanted to continue but her voice had trailed off. "He Lied To Me???" I asked her. "I'm sorry Izzy but me and the girls are here to support you." She said. "Yea thanks, I'm just gonna go home." I told her and quietly walked home......

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