The Victory

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We arrived back in court for the continuing of Teanna .VS. Bella. The court was quiet and Me, Abigail, & Meghan were scared to death but my eyes were still black. "I have made my decision....." His voice trailed off. "TEANNA IS INNOCENT, AND BELLA IS GUILTY!!!!" He yelled. The three of us rejoiced because Teanna was finnally free. "I will get you for this." Stephanie said.

**The Next Day At School**

Meghan and Abigail raced up to me in the hallway. "ISABELLE HURRY UP GO ON YOUR PHONE AND LOOK AT STEPHANIE'S FACEBOOK PAGE!!!" She screamed. "Wait Huh?" I asked. Abigail rolled her eyes and showed me her phone. The screen was actually half-split, the left side had Me and Zack kissing (on the lips) and the right side had Ethan hugging me. The caption was Labeled #SLUT. My eyes turned blue and I cried, and started sobbing. "Hey Izzy did you get the news?" Stephanie rolled down the hallway with her "Plastic Squad." I rolled my eyes but still took many screenshots. As fast as I could I ran to the principal's office and showed him everything. "STEPHANIE SCOTT PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY, THIS INSTANT RIGHT NOW!!!" Mr.Walker yelled on the speakers. In the blink-of-an-eye Stephanie raced to office and started crying. "I WAS SP JEALOUS OF ISABELLE BUT SHE IS A SLUT BECAUSE SHE IS DATING TWO GUYS!!" She sneered at me amd my eyes turned Green, I was SO DISGUSTED!!!! "THAT ISN'T  acceptable STEPHANIE you are now suspended from this school for 2 whole months. Now get out of my office I'm going to call your Mother so she can Pick you up." He said with a very Mad-Face. She ran out the office and Me amd Mr.Walker laughed. I was happy that Stephanie finnally got what she deserved....

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