The Birth Of Kiara

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That night when me and my family got home I checked my voicemail, there were over 50 calls from Lilly, so I checked it. "HELP, ISABELLE C0ME TO THE HOSPITAL ABIGAIL IS GIVING BIRTH, COME QUICK!!!" I was in shock, how it's only been 7 months, are babies supposed to come early like that?? I quickly went to the kitchen and told my parents about Abigail. My mom and sister's all ran to the car and my dad drives us to the hospital....

"Breathe, Breathe" I heard the nurse tell Abigail. "You are doing really great honey." Lilly held her hand. My family ran to the room. "PUSH HARDER ABBY, LAST ONE!!!" The nurse yelled. PLOP!!! The little bundle of joy came out. "Aww she is so cute." Abigail and Lilly said with joyful looks on their faces. My eyes turned bright yellow. "What's  her name?" Stephanie asked. "Uhm, I haven't decided.....What do you think?" She looked at Lilly. "How I don't know, how about--- maybe Kiara?" Lilly said. "I love it...Me too.....That is so cute." Stehpanie,& Olivia suggested. "Wait, where are your parents?" My Mom asked. "They are on vacation. They will see the baby when they come back towmorrow" Lilly said. "Uhm my parents they----were killed last week in a car-crash, so I'm now living with Lilly. But its gonna be hard, we both have to work jobs now to afford keeping Kiara, we don't want her going to Foster Care." Abigail said. "Abby If you need help, we can buy some stuff for the baby." My dad said. "Thank you Mr.Anderson I appreciate it." Abigal smiled. "When will you take her home?" Niaomi asked. "Probably next week." Lilly said. RING--RING!!!  My phone blasted. "Where are you the band is waiting." My manager said. "Come on Isabelle we are going on stage in 40 minutes hurry up." Maggie and her friends said. "Oops, we have to go now---my show is going to start in the next hour, we have to get to Yankee Stadium so I can sing my new song." I told them. "We will call you later, Good Luck Isabelle." They said. I kissed Kiara on her adorable little forehead and rushed out with my family and we had to take the Limo in order to get at the place on time.....

***30 Minutes Later***

We arrived and I got dressed backstage. Maggie and her group were playing my band as the guitarist's and drummers but my friends were going to be the back-up singers. "Okay get on the court, you are on in 5,4,3,2,1----GO!!!" The manger said. We all stepped out on the field. "Hey everyone, instead of the songs I usually sing, me and my new band are going to rock you all tonight with some new tunes. Here is my new Rap:Rollin In The Deep." I had took the microphone and after announcing my speech, we all rocked the stage that night and it was Amazing, I finished with a Guitar-Solo and the smoke pipes blew up while we walked off. "That was Amazing." Niaomi and Olivia said to us. "Thanks." Then Maggie and her group complimented my sisters. "Come Let's go celebrate at i-Hop, All food is on me." Stephanie said smiling and all of us went in the Limo to i-Hop.....

***1-Hour Later***

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