The Violent Substitute

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We got in the class and saw a Black man in a grey suit. "Hello Class my name is Mr Burton, and before I start I would like to say......YOU MEGHAN SIT UP! AND BELLA STOP TEXTING! OH AND JEMMA I HEARD ABOUT WHAT YOU DID TO MS.THOMAS! TRY ME" He climbed on the desks yelling at all the students. "Well,Well,Well....How very convenient, after I just yelled at the class now you two come in late, isabelle and meghan I will see you after class in Mr.Clark's office." He said glaring at us and we took our seats. "Okay class today we will learn about---" He got cut off. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP!!! "Everybody get out fire alarm." My class ran out the classroom and down the stairs as fast as we could and waited 30 minutes outside in the cold untill we could go back inside. "Okay guys, you can go to your dorms now." The teacher had dismissed us and I went to my dorm....

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