The Plastic Squad

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I went downstairs to the Lunchroom when I got inside I ate my other B.L.T then went to the bathroom but then I heard somebody call my voice."Hey Izzy." I turned around to see Stephanie and her Plastic Squad as she handed her Large Starbucks cup of Chocolate-Marshmallow-Pumpkin ﹰLatte to her Friend Vanessa. The way how they got that name is because two years ago they got Facial Surgery and made themselves look like Barbie-Dolls which are made of Plastic so the name is very relatable. Anyway, the people in her group were; Bella, Rose, Cynthia, Vanessa. Eliza, and Kayla. Ugh, I hate them SO MUCH!!!!! "What do YOU want?" I asked her. Bella and Destiny smiled as Rose gave me Mischevous Looks. "Uhm, you might wanna look at your jacket." Cynthia said. I rolled my eyes. "Ok what's wrong with my---" I trailed off as I glanced at my jacket. "Just leave me alone, there is nothing on it" I said in a stern voice. Vanessa took the Cold Latte and Spilled it all over my jacket. "Well I guess there is A LOT on it now." Stephanie said. They all started pointing at me Kayla took out her phone and started taking pictures of me. "OH MY GOSH LOOK AT HER EYES, THEY ARE LITERALLY BLUE!!!" Cynthia exclaimed. "Ew, I knew it girls SHE REALLY IS A WITCH!!!!" Bella yelled. All of a sudden, we heard the bell ring. "Let's get out of here and head home, besides she's just a waste of my time." Stephanie glared at me, and the rest of The Plastic Squad walked away.

I started crying as the Hallway started to fill up of all the kids from different classes with their coats on leaving the building. "OH MY GOSH ISABELLE!!!!" I heard Meghan scream from across the Hallway. My group; Meghan, Abigail, Tiana, Jessica, Lilly, and Destiny all rushed to my side and they all started talking over eachother asking me multiple questions. "Are you okay?" "Who did this to you?" "Do you want to go to the nurse" "What happened Isabelle?". All I could do was start sobbing. "So we leave you for 5 minutes and THIS is what happens?" Meghan asked Sarcastically. "You better tell me who did this RIGHT NOW, so i can beat the crap out of them!!!!!" Tiana said. "Hold on violence is NEVER the answer." Abigail said. "Oh yeah so then why are the teachers always telling us about how all these World Wars solved America's problems?" She snapped back at her. "GUYS STOP, I CAN'T TAKE IT WITH THE ARGUING ANYMORE!!!!" I screamed. "Sorry Isabelle...." Jessica said. "Wait STEPHANIE she did this Right?" Destiny asked. "Wait who told you that---" I got cut off "Kayla posted it on Snapchat, besides it has her account, a picture of you covered in a Smoothie, and it says #Stephanie_SquadGoals for the caption" Lilly showed me the picture. "OOOH WE ARE DEFIDENTLY GETTING REVENGE OH HER NOW!!!! But how are we gonna do it?" I told them "I got it, ZACK you like him and so does Vanessa." Meghan said. "Yeah besides you have his phone number so just try and be-friend him, that's all you gotta do. Once that goes well, Boom he's your boyfriend." Tiana said. "UHM NO WAY GIRL, HE'S MY BROTHER I AM NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN I DON'T CARE IF IT IS TRUE LOVE!!!!" Abigail said. "But don't they make a good couple?" Meghan asked her. Abigail growled "Ok Fine, I guess you can be with my brother, it will just be a little weird FOR ME!!!!" She made a disgusted barfing face. We all Laughed. "Thanks guys for making this day great and to feel a lot better." I told them. "No Problem Isabelle." They all gave me a small group hug and as each of us departed ways. "Wanna go to the park?" Meghan asked me. "Duh of course I do?" Then we walked down the hill

I went to the park and climbed on the tree with Meghan. "Isabelle be careful." She warned me. "DONT TELL ME WHAT DO!!!!" I shouted. Then my foot slipped and I fell down into the tree... All I remeber is waking up in the hospital. "Don't worry she will be okay." The Doctor said. "Thank you Sir." My Mom gave me a stern hard look. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GOT IN THAT PARK WITH MEGHAN I KNEW SOMETHING WOULD GO WRONG SHE IS A BAD INFLUENCE AND YOU KNOW IT ISABELLE." She screamed. "She's the best friend that I have ever made at this school, she's always supported me and has been there for me more than you ever had." I told her. "Uhm, Isabelle YOUR EYES ARE BLUE!!!!" She screamed. She gave me a mirror and it started raining. "NOOOOOOOO WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME, OH MY GOSH THIS IS NOT FOR REAL RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" I yelled. Then my eyes turned Gray and it started snowing. "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME RIGHT NOW?" I screamed. "Isabelle that tree, the oak tree must've given you some miraculous power, to control the weather with your mood." My mom said. My eyes turned yellow amd the sun came out. Yes this was AWESOME. Now I have the power that nobody else does, I can control the weather......

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