Chapter 58

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"My words are like a ship, and the sea is their meaning. Come to me and I will take you to the depths of spirit. I will meet you there."



The rising smoke diffused slowly carrying with it  pleasant scent that filled the small living area

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The rising smoke diffused slowly carrying with it  pleasant scent that filled the small living area. The older couple had dined in the living room connected to Mammy's living room.

"I have been invited alongside other women to participate in a talk on the importance of Girl child education and how to encourage it in the core north."

"What other women?"

"Mostly politicians, Ministers, wives of governors and a few others entrepreneurs like myself, It is an initiative of the Minister of Education."

"Well, I hope it wouldn't just be noise with no action. There are still places here that people still consider women inferior and undeserving of a proper education. They perceive them only as home and baby making factories. It is now up to the educated and exposed northern elite to at least try to flush out that archaic mentality from the minds."

"All you have said is the truth, there have been several such forums and nothing good comes out of it. We are the northerners, we are the ones who know the reasons behind this sick mentality and if anyone has an edge in fixing it, it is us. I have faith in the women in power now, take for instance Hajiya Safiya, Minister of finance,  Just six months in office, the GDP has increased by about 3%."

The mention of that name caught his attention instantly. Of all the names she could have mentioned, it had to be that. He sighed internally. "Yes, she truly is something."

"Frankly, I'm looking forward to working closely with her. I think she is so passionate about helping people, remember how she graced Safe home's annual fundraiser with her generous donation?"

Alhaji Kabir was tempted to roll his eyes. In a world where he has had first hand experience with dangerous people, his wife's simple mindedness amazed him.

"Fatima, you know I don't like politicians."

"What has that got to do with this?"

A brief memory of the time he was courting Fatima flashed through his mind. She wasn't just beautiful; she was smart, witty and everything he needed. He had always taken pride in all of that except moments when those traits made him a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Do your very best to see that you contribute positively but I beg of you don't work closely with any politician, those people spread their ungodly character like rats do a plague."


He took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips, "Let's not argue about this," he says placing a chaste kiss on her hands.
She looks at him with prying eyes those that find whatever they intend to find...simple minded yes but very smart too.

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