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(RAVEN'S POV) *edited*

When I first saw him my heart stopped. 

James Potter. 

I knew at that moment I would've done anything for him, to be with him. Lilly Evans, oh how I hated her for stealing James from my heart. Severus, he loved her so much and all she ever did was lead him on. You see I was the fifth marauder, the lady marauder. James was my best friend, but most importantly the love of my life. I would've followed him to the end of time.

You see, it was one word that slipped out of my stupid mouth that changed everything. I called Lilly a mudblood and that's when James snapped 

"DONT YOU EVER CALL MY LILLY A MUDBLOOD AGAIN YOU FOUL ROTTEN GIT!" Those were the last words he ever said to me as he stormed off leaving me stripped of my title forever.

 Severus also screwed up with Lilly, they never talked again. We bonded over this eventually finding that we were the forgotten Slytherins. We spent the rest of our school days studying and in finding a way to get our revenge.

So, when Tom came knocking with his so-called "Death Eaters", he told me he could help take the pain away. Join him and all of our pain would be used toward "the greater cause" and revenge.  Tom, being my older brother, It was like I had much of a choice. But my friends did, and eventually, Severus would too.

 Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy they were my best friends, well... they ARE my best friends they were death eaters with me. When James and Lilly had their wedding something snapped in me. I cried so hard one night I was completely convinced that the storm outside was purely from my broken heart. Eventually, I learned I loved making people feel the pain I was in but I just could never kill anybody. 

I felt so strong so powerful I was on top of the world and in a split second everything changed.

There I was standing in Godric's Hollow that night and I saw the house and how it looked like it was going to fall apart at any second. I wonder if everybody was okay.

It was all at once it hit me straight in the chest that he was gone.

 Oh Merlin, James!!

 I ran in only to immediately drop to my knees.

My James... my precious James, dead. Staring straight into oblivion, without a single expression on his pailing face. I crawled to him and held his lifeless body on to my lap and just sobbed until I heard footsteps. I looked up with my wand pointed, only to come face to face with Severus. I lower my wand and continue to sob and Sev walks up the stairs and sees Lilly laying there on the floor. 

I gently lay my sweet James's head down, close his eyes, and kiss his forehead for the first and last time. I know the ministry will be here soon and me and Severus being death eaters won't help us. I walk up the stairs and see Sev.

"Severus we need to go, the Aurors will be here soon and that's the last thing we need, please come I don't want to be alone," I beg.

"Raven is this real, are they really gone?" 

"They're gone," I said with a heavy heart, he lays Lilly to the ground and I hear a baby's cry and I look and there he is. 

Harry Potter, that's when I lost it he looked so much like James but then I saw it.



Sev practically dragged me out of the house, and we apparated to Spinners End. I stayed with Severus for about a week before I had decided it was my time to go. Plus, all we did was cry and I was a mess. I had used floo powder to arrive at my manor. 

My adoptive-brother Erik left a note on my counter,

                  "Aurors killed mom and dad and my brother and Bellatrix are being sent to Azkaban."-E

The was a soft coo coming from an owl at my kitchen window, my house elf Nelly brought the letter to me.


You are my best friend and I'm sorry, I've heard about your parents but if it makes you feel better Erik avenged their death. I think I hear the Aurors coming for me I must go. When they come for you go to Lucius, he will prove you innocent. Take care. The dark lord will return I'm sure of it. 

See you sooner or later.


Oh, Bella, my best friend that I call my sister. Gone to Azkaban.
I must stay with the Malfoy's. 

I've done nothing wrong.

What will happen to baby Potter? 

What will happen to Severus?

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now