Why you, Why me?

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I take all the boys by to their dorm and excuse myself because of detention.

I leave the common room and head to potions.

"professor Snape?"I said as I knock on the door.

"Come in Evalyn." He said calmly.

"Can you tell me about her? I think mum and dad obliviated me?" I said in a hushed tone.

" Let me tell you the story of Raven Hawthorne, she was in Love with James Potter but he didn't love her the same way. One day I was in a fight with Potter and his friends and A young girl that I happened to be infatuated with came to my rescue and I yelled at her calling her names and Raven so Happened to pitch in. James yelled at Raven and told her to never speak to them again. Me and Raven had a bond that day we were left alone by the ones we loved. She's the only person to ever see me cry. We joined her brother which is her cousin but he adopted her as her own and made her his sibling instead. We join the dark lord. He took away the pain by allowing us to have power. That changes when me an Raven were on a task to go see Godrics Hollow"

"We arrived at Godrics hollow and saw the potters house falling apart. We entered andRaven hit the floor for James potter was. Dead. I ran up the stairs and found Lilly. You could hear me and Ravens screams from miles away. Then Raven came up the stairs. She told me it was time to go that Aurors would be there soon then I remember her freezing at the sight of young Harry potter. She saw so much of James but then when the young baby looked up to her she saw her eyes Lilly's eyes she picked up the child and cried as Harry did. Then she stopped and got Harry back in his crib and felt me and Raven begin to leave and started wailing once more but we had to leave. We fled to our houses and Dumbledore Proceeded to tell me that the family that had raised Raven for the dark lord had been slaughter for refusing arrest by the ministry. I sent my Patronus to Raven telling her that dumbledore and the ministry were here that she would be protected if she would come willingly to hear terms of agreement. She arrived and dumbledore offered us jobs as a pardon and we agreed the ministry let us off and we took our jobs. Raven lived with me seeing as she had nothing to go home to but an empty mansion and Raven returned to me. We fell for eachother and fell in love simply cause we were alone. She became sick one day and I told her to go and see a doctor. I returned and she told me she was pregnant. I felt like I was betraying Lilly so I told her to leave she it up left in tears and told me that the childwould never be mine and fled. I never saw her again. My heart broke simply cause I had lost both of my loves. In only a few months apart." Snape finished his story with clouded eyes and a sour face.

"Professor what happened to Raven and the Child?" I broke the silence.

"Raven fled to her brothers most trusted followers who were also her best friends. "" The child was born and lived five years with her mother and her mothers friends. Raven died and they took on the child and raised her as her own"

"what was the child's name? "

"Evalyn Marvolo Snape later changed to Malfoy"

The memories hit me. I remembered my mother and the memories of her and all the great times we spent together and the locket she left. Tears began to leave my eyes. I ran to him and did something no student had ever done. I hugged professor Snape and weped into his chest and he hugged me and both of our legs hit the floor.

"Shhh don't cry my little one don't cry."

"I miss my mum! Why didn't you tell me sooner! Why didn't you want me!?" I yelled but still cried into his embrace.
"Because I thought that I was doing the right thing but now I know I let go of my whole world."

"Will you be my dad now?"


Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now