Getting approval of the Weasleys

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By the time Fred and George had hugged me the whole Weasley clan was staring at me.

"Evalyn..... Evalyn Malfoy ...... Your Fred's girlfriend? Does your father know your here?!"Arthur said scared.

"Ummmm not really but he knows that I'm at a friends .... (My face \0.0/)

"Arthur we do not judge a person from where their from.... Welcome to the Burrow Evalyn! Molly says as she scalded her husband

"thank you mrs Weasley."i said

'' please call me Molly" she said back and welcomed me inside where i saw the trio sitting on the couch.

"wha-whats SHE doing here?!" Hermione practically screams from the living room

"come on love lets go somewhere'' Fred whispers in my ear and starts to pull my arm

"Hermione im sorry......" i say in her direction

The trio and the twins mouths fall open

"you-you a Malfoy actually said ......Sorry????" Harry says

"actually Harry i know how to pronounce the word sorry now you all can accept my appolagies or you can get over it" i say as polite as possible

There faces were in pure shock

"theres that additude i love soooo much" Fred said

"I missed you too Freddie" I say a with a smirk

we go and sit outside in the long grass

"your so beautiful you know that?' Fred tells me

"I didn't but thank you for reminding me" i tell him back and he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me for me to sit closer and i lay my head on his shoulder.

""you seem tense Princesses whats wrong?" he whispers

" I'm just worried about our future " i tell him

"Our?" he says while looking at me

"Ummmm yeah ..." I say while blushing so red that a tomato has nothing on me

"well im glad im not the only one that thinks of out future'' he says an then kisses my forehead.


"yes love?

"if mum and dad find out what are we going to do?' i ask him

"well me and George's last year at hogwarts is here and we are trying to start a business, you can always stay with me, or here at the burrow ,trust me mum would be beyond happy if you came." he says

"You're amazing Fred"

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