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We all get off the train and Me and Fred get on the Carriage with George and Lee.

when we get back to Hogwarts i kiss Fred goodbye and look for the familiar platinum blonde hair that ive missed so much.

"DRRAAACCCOOO" i yell at him, but little did he know that i was going to full on jump on his back thank Merlin he caught me.

"Evy i thought you were mad at me?'' he said in a confused tone

"how could i ever be mad at my twin" and with that i kissed his cheek and climbed off his back.

"youve missed alot this summer" he tells me

"draco i was only gone for 2 weeks" i tell him

"follow me" i tell him

We walk off to the side and wait for everyone to pass. " Dad is coming to get you in two days ....... You're getting your Dark Mark early" he tells me and i hear a gasp behind me. i turn around to be face to face with the trio.

"you-you are one of them i knew it!!" Ron Yells at me

"stay out of this Weasley!" Draco yells

"Draco stop, Ron you dont understand this is-

"Shut up you stupid Pure-blood git does Fred know your decision?!" he yells at me

"As a matter of fact he does, you dont know my life, you dont know my future so id advise you to back off now!!" i yell and my face darkens and my voice tone had dropped and im slightly floating off the ground.(like the picture)

"Evalyn your voice" hermione whispers out and i can hear footsteps running.

"Evy stop!" draco tries to grab me but just ends up flying backwards.

I point a finger a Ron and he floats up with his hands at his throat preventing him from choking.

"Dont you ever Question my loyalty to Fred again!" i yell in this almost possessed voice and throw him backwards.

"RON" i hear Harry and Hermione yell

"Evalyn calm down!!" i hear a voice yell. i turn and i see Fred and pretty much the whole school staring at me in horror

I see some lady completely dressed in pink shout a spell at me and i fell into complete darkness.

I wake up in the hospital wing i see that lady completely dressed in pink and Draco sitting beside my bed.

"Mhhhmmm Draco why am i here?" i ask him

"Simply because you turned into a complete lunatic outside and i had to knock you out" the pink lady said.

"you may leave dear" madame pomfry tells me.

"come now my dearest sister theyre almost done with the sorting hat" he tells me ad walks ahead

"Mrs.Malfoy a word please" the pink lady tells me

"Yes?" i say in a very sassy additude

"Your Uncle told me to give this to you and to also keep an eye on you, if you are in need of anything this term be sure to let me know and ill take care of it" she tells me and walks away after handing me a beautiful ring with two snakes on it and a note. Draco comes from around the corner.

"Evalyn are you coming?" he says

I put on the ring and read the few words on the note
'Control your power
-till i see you again your uncle'

"yeah im coming" i tell him

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now