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4th year
Me and Damon have been dating for 6 months. Mother simply adores him. Father said I could do better. Draco hates him.

"Goodbye mum goodbye father I love you I'll write everyday!" Me and Draco scream from the windows. And wave goodbye.

The compartment opens and Damon walks in.
" hello darling "
he kisses me and Draco gets up and hits Damon's shoulder on the way.
" remind me why he hates me "
i giggle " haven't the foggiest love "

" I can't believe this is my last year " Damon says

"yeah , me either " I say with a pouty face.

"Oh Evy don't pout I hate when you do that or cry don't do that either unless you want me becoming a little girl and cry my eyes out " he says with pure honesty in his voice.

" okay i love you Damon" I Give him a kiss
" i love you too, I have to go for prefect duties but I'll see you during the feast" he gives me a peck then leaves.

A grey owl is flying beside me window so I open it and its a letter from the headmaster asking me to retreive Harry Potter and Cho Chang as soon as possible for he will be in my empty compartment in 15 minutes.
I get Cho and ask her to watch the compartment while I getHarry
i open the compartment and I see the twins my face blush (I've always like Fred and George there super cute , wait no I have Damon!)
" what do you want Malfoy?!" Ron blares at me.
" I -uh - I n-need Harry , headmasters orders" holding up the note I revived. He gets up and we go when I hear.
" goodbye Evy" the twins say to me , my face all red at this point I walk backwards and say
" goodbye loves - I mean twins! , oh lord " I runoff embarrassed with Harry and we enter the compartment and Dumbledore is there.
" Mrs.Chang , Mrs. Malfoy we are having special guest and I need two guides and seeing you are the best of your houses I chose you Mrs. Chang to watch over the girls academy while you Mrs. Malfoy are watching the boys academy.
"Oh Harry you are to watch the twins and make sure they do not prank the academy"
" many thanks and here are your badges my guides"
he apperated out of the cart and Cho ask if she could stay with me and I allow it and Harry leaves.
Me and Cho talk for hours until we get into the great hall then Professor Mcgonagall stops is and introduces us to the academy's
"Mrs. Malfoy you will be with Durmstrang and Mrs. Chang you will be with Beauxbaton."

I walk over to the Headmaster of durmstrang
"hello my name is Igor Karkaroff , Headmaster, these are my star pupils"
eachone of them bow and I talk to them
" hello my name is Evalyn Malfoy I'm your guide I can be your friend or foe but friend will be easier trust me " Igor laughs.
" my name is Krum , Viktor Krum, this is Demetri , Avery , Nikolai , Vladimir , and my little brother Tristan , the rest do not worry they are here for the vacation"he laughs.

"Well Viktor you play amazing quiddich , I was in the ministers box during the World Cup" I say
" well I'm more than happy that you escaped from the chaos , my name is Tristan Karkaroff
Me and Viktor share eachothers mother and Ofcourse my father is headmaster" he say and bows kisses my hand.
"Well Tristan you be glad to hear my boyfriend loves you and your brother on the Bulgaria team"
"ah , boyfriend many apologies " he says with a Russian accent.
"It's okay how were you supposed to-" I turn around and the horror hits me.
Damon kissin Cho.
"Damon?!" "What the hell!!?"
They jump apart and I can see that Cho didn't know.
"Evy let me speak first"
"Evy since when did you talk to my boyfriend" cho says
" your boyfriend well by Merlin Cho , we have the same one" I said with pure hatred.
Cho walks over beside me and we both have tears we both grab our wand "eat slugs!"
Damon immediately throws up a slug and Snape comes around the corner.
" what on earth is going on here!" snape screams.
" i don't know why don't you ask our ex boyfriend , me and Cho walk back with our academy's and Igor said to me " loves like a mosquito , it bites you and leaves a mark , but sometime you must swat the bug and the pain goes slowly but sweet relief comes soon "
" thank you headmaster "
" please call me Igor, who are your parents?"
" Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy "
" would you like to come to Bulgaria? Become the durmstrang girl?" Igor says to me with a warm smile and the boys are all high-fiveing
" my brother is here and he would be jealous but I cannot think of reasons to say no!" I say with happiness.
" then it is settled I shall owl your parents maybe when this is over you can come back with us?" Igor says with pride.
" the Durmstrang girl , I'm excited and proud thank you Igor " I say to make sure I'm respectful.
" now I must return to my house table, I shall see you soon"
"bye Ev!" All the boys say

i walk back to the table and take my seat beside Pansy and Draco I lay my head on his shoulder and cry.
"Evy what is wrong?!" He says as he turns to face me.
"Damon was cheating on me and the girl didn't even know she was being cheated on himself so we jinxed him " I say through sobs
then I straighten back up when I see Damon walking straight towards me.
" Evy please" he begs.
Draco Pansy Crabe Goyle and Astoria stand up with all their wands pointed at him and he raises his hands and walks away.
" Pansy please fix my face I have I be presentable"
she waves her wand and my makeup is no longer smudged and I put on my guiding badge and Draco says" Durmstrang guide what in the world ?"
" You'll see soon brother " I say to him as I get up and sit on the empty edge of the Slytherin table and I look over to Ravenclaw and I see Cho and her makeup is smudged and I look at her and wave my wand she looks in a mirror and mouths "thank you " I mouth back
" Ofcourse "

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