The Potion Masters Assistant

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I wake up the next morning and get dressed. And I can hear all the chatter outside so I listen in.

"Who in the world is this new potions master assistant" a girl says.

"I wonder if it a girl or a guy" a boy says

"they better be Pureblood, or my father will hear about this"I hear my favorite voice of the day say.

I open the door and I see everyone staring at me

"EVALYN!!!!" Everybody starts yelling out.

"Move move get out of my way!!" I hear a voice.

"EVEY!" He calls and I hear him voice out.

"DRACO!!" I tell out and run to him he hugs me and spins me around.

"Oh I've missed you baby brother!" I tell him

"I've missed you Evalyn!" He says

"I thought they were a couple for a second" a first year says

"do you have double potions this year?" I ask Draco

"yeah I do" he says with a smile

"come with me Draco" I take him to the fireplace and push a brick and a door opens behind the fireplace

"whoa why didn't I know about these?" He asks me

"Uncle told me Draco" I tell him

we walk all around this secret path and end up in the. Potions room which is the new defense against the dark arts and I see dad.
"Hey dad" I tell him and he just smiles at me

"hello Evalyn. "

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now