Protecting the Family

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*5 months later*

Tristan and I have been at Hogwarts with dad and were like the bosses so if anything major happens Alecto and Amycus come to us be sit in the great Hall with our heads held high. I go easy on the kids when there being punished unless I'm with Tristan..... He want to prove his loyalty to my uncle so bad.

I wonder how Fred is doing. And Gwen and Finn ....... I miss them, I can't imagine what Fred will do when he find out about Tristan.

Dad alerts us that Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogsmeade. That means the battle will start soon. Every student is required to go to the great hall. Dad gives a speech about if any body has seen potter to come up now and the punishment will be easier on them and Harry comes out of the crowd.

Harry rants about how Dad killed dumbledore and Minvera Mcgonagall starts shooting spells at dad but he just blocks them and disappears and Tristan follows him and Harry has his wand pointed at me. And I see Fred and I run like I've never ran before to him and I give him a kiss.

"Freddie!! I've missed you" I tell him and I tell him about what my Uncle did to me and Tristan and he frowns because he knows I can't do anything about it. my arm starts burning and I know I have to go I tell him to be safe and I'll see him when it's over and he nods and plants a kiss on my lips. And I let go of his hand and apparate to my uncle and he sees that the staff and students are making a shield around Hogwarts. When they finish me and him point out wands and shatter the shield and my uncle shudders and I know another hocrux has destroyed by Harry and he gets mad and shouts and completely cracks the shield and the deatheaters travel to Hogwarts and start attacking people and my uncle takes Nagini and disappears and I can't find Tristan but something tells me to go to the shrieking shack and when I get there I see Harry Ron and Hermione standing around someone and I see him.

Dad. The man that got me through Hogwarts. The man I was so proud to call him by the very thing he was. Dad I hit my knees and crawl to him and Harry takes his memories and I see him

"daddy don't go don't you dare leave me now, you didn't mean the twins you've got to meet them they need you .... I need you" at this point I'm sobbing

"Ev-Evalyn I love you so much your going to b-be fine okay take care my little R-Raven " he says and let's out his last breath and I just let out my last year and you better believe I'm sad but I have something better.


Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now