Dance practice and Moody

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"All of Slytherin and Durmstrang report to the great hall .... Now. " Snapes voice rings through the hall.
I look at my group of boys in the common room and half of them are still in their pjs the other half still in bed.
"Wake up Durmstrang we've got dance lessons today!!" Igor yells.
I'm dressed(outfit above) and slowly Durmstrang boys come out of their rooms.

we head to the great hall for dance lessons.

"Well it's about time Malfoy" Snape says with a sneer.
"My apologies Severus , some of us a sleepy start" Igor says.
We take our seats with the slytherin boys.
" as some rumors fly around this school about a dance I'm here to tell it is true. "Snape begins to speak.
Girls start giggling and the boys groan except Durmstrang. Then the great un expectant happens.

"Mrs. Malfoy since you come from a family that has many parties you will help me demonstrate" Snape says.
"Ofcourse professor." I walk over to professor Snape.
I put one of my hand at this shoulder and he puts one at my waist and flitch begins to play music and we dance for a few minutes then he call for slytherin and Durmstrang to join in.

We continue to waltz around the room and eventually everybody joins in.

"Professor I need to speak with you. In privacy." I whisper.
"It's about her isn't it ?" He whispers as we dance
"meet me in my office after dinner consider it detention" he says

I nod and the music stops.

"That's it , now be sure to have your dates and sign up that your staying over break. " Snape says.

"Durmstrang with me !" I yell above all the slytherin girls and boys leaving for their next lessons and we head to defense against the dark arts.

"Today were learning about the unforgivable curses. Can anybody tell me them?"
"You mrs Malfoy up up can you name one?"

I stand up "I can name them all professor" .
"There's Crucio the torture curse , Imperio a curse that does thing against your will, and Avada kadavra the killing curse"
"30 points to slytherin" moody says
"Avada Kadavra!" He kills the spider.

That poor spider, why did we need to learn that horrid curse. Knowing that my parents are death eaters and that I would eventually have to join, I didn't flinch nor cry I just look shocked and I leaned over into Tristan's shoulder and held on to his arm. He puts his hand on my arm.
"you okay Princess?" He whispers in my ear.
" y-yeah"I stuttered back "just surprised that's all"

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