Uncle Tom

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"Who are you may I ask?" I say with pure hatred

"my name is Wormtail m'lady and the Dark Lord is requesting your Presence" he said as he bows to me ?

Narcissa stops crying and looks at me and speaks softly
"Go , don't keep him waiting "
I look at her and see the love in her eyes.

" I'm sorry mum I was being rash I love you" I looked at her and grabbed Wormtails arm and apperated.

We we arrived at this manor which look as it was about to fall apart. But there was a single light on.

We walk in and I hear whispering it slightly sounds like hissing I can understand it ... Strange.

"My Lord The child and Wormtail have arrived I sense them" I hear a female whisper

"very good Nagini " I hear a weak whisper.

We walk up the stairs and I see Barty Crouch jr. He's escaped ?interesting

" Hello young one " I hear the weak whisper

B C jr looks at me and does a hand gesture that I come and kneel at the car

I kneel at the chair and see the deformed figure of none other Lord Voldemort.

I bow my head in respect

" lift your head child so that I may observe you"

I lift my head and I can feel him trying to break my mental walls I let him in but I only allow him to see so much.

" I see you've mastered occlumency "

"yes I read about it in the restricted section last year and I decided that it would be beneficial for my future " I spoke quietly

" do you know who I am child?" He spoke but in a tone I could not tell.

" I know that you are the Dark Lord but beyond that I apologize for my lack of remembrance , it's almost like if I cannot remember much about my mother, but you knew her didn't you she left her locket with me and there's a picture of you and her?" I ask him

"I am you mothers keeper fatherly figure blood cousin but in my heart she was like my baby sister I raised her when she was of age. " he spoke softly " look at me I will be your Uncle but I need your promise?" He asked me

"Anything uncle anything!" I spoke

"you will be loyal to me like your mother was and your father is correct?"

"Ofcourse uncle" I said with pure respect.

"Good, Professor Moody is my follower crouch jr. And I need a favor from you dear niece , if you help Barty out with this task ill allow you to go live with your real father." He said in a whisper.

"Really??! I mean .... Ofcourse Uncle ask me and I'll do it!" I whisper back

" I need you to spy on Harry and his friends and if anything suspicions occur to you tell me " my uncle tells me

"anything for you uncle " I say back

"go child and return to your home when we meet again I shall be in full recovery and you will be my right hand man or should I say woman and I will allow you to have authority" my uncle tells me

"oh w-wow uncle this is a honor thank you" I say in a surprised tone

"until our paths cross again child"

" until then Uncle"

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now