Professor Malfoy

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"I know about the task I'm here to help Draco fix the cabinet, Uncles orders" I tell them both and Draco looks shocked.

"I didn't think he would let me have help" he says

"don't worry Drake no one is going to hurt you , not on my watch" I say and I kiss his forehead"

"you're the best big sister any one could have" he says and he kisses me on the cheek and leaves off to the great hall.

"Evalyn, what's wrong you have been so protective of Draco and so distant lately."Dad asks me

"There's just a lot going on right now" I tell him "nothing's going on"

"Evalyn Raven Malfoy Snape, I may not have been in your life all your life like I should have been, I may not be the best Father or friend to you, but I am a damn good teacher and I know when someone is lying to me and that's exactly what your doing!!!" He gets in my face and he has that tone I remember from class but little does he know my temper is a lot worse.

"yeah you got me I'm lying to you and you don't know how hard is it to lie to you because you and Uncle Tom are all I have left blood family wise, I'm sorry I've been so distant but you were too when you had a kid!!" I yell at him and his face softens and I start crying.

"Oh Merlin, Evalyn why didn't you just tell me"he says and he holds me

"Because nobody can know Daddy my babies have to stay safe" I say and cry into his chest

"it's alright Evalyn, but tomorrow we are going to visit these grandchildren of mine" he says and kisses my nose. I can't help but smile.

I love my dad.


me and dad enter the great hall and he keeps walking off to the students table and I see Harry Ron and Hermione. So I sneak up behind them and "BOO!!" I say and they jump and see me and I smile

"Oh my god Evalyn your here!!! Ginny says and gives me a hug and all of the tables start going ballistic they start chanting and everythingg.

Once everybody body says hello I go up the the teachers table and Dumbledore says "let the feast begin.

After everyone finishes eating eating I walk with the Slytherins back to their dorms and I hear a voice calling after me and I see Ron running over to me and I stop and let the snakes go on to bed.

"Hey Ron what's up?" I ask him

"I'm so sorry for everything that I said to you, you'd never hurt Fred and I see that now and I'm glad to call you family now. " he says and I give him a hug "thanks Ron now off to bed before I give you detention." I tell him and he runs off

I enter the common room and my old crew my best friend are all sitting here.

"Well aren't you guys a sight for sore eyes" I tell them and they just laugh and I sit don't besides Draco who looks completely out of it and I tell home to go to bed and he just nods and gets up.

"is he okay?" He just seems so not .......Draco" Astoria asks

"he's got a lot going on right now" I tell them and we all just drop the subject and we all say goodnight and head off to bed.

I get into into my bed but I miss Fred so I walk over to my chimney in my room and floo off to Andromedas house.

"Who's there?!" I hear I hear somone call out

"it's Evalyn, is Fred here?!" I call out and he walks into the living room and runs to me picking me up spinning me around and giving me a hug and kiss.

"Oh Evalyn I've missed you so so much!!" He says

"oh Fred I've missed you too!" I say and give him a kiss. "How are my babies?" I asks

"good they been perfect, there sleeping now" he says and starts to take me to where they are sleeping. Their laying in their crib sound asleep

"Fred come with me. " I ask him and we start walking to the living room and Andromeda walks in "Hello Evalyn how's work"

"it's been good I hate to ask but can you watch the babies for tonight while I take Fred" I ask her and she just give me this understanding grin and winks and walks off to the nursery.

Me and fred floo back to hogwarts and as soon I start to walk me kisses me. It wasn't like any other kiss this was a kiss of pure passion and want.

"He picks me up an lays me on the bed and we just make out and he takes off hi shirt and I do too. After a while well.... You know what happens from there. ;)

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now