Whispers in the Wind

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"Gwen Raven come on or your going to miss you train!!" Tristan calls out.

After the battle he did what he did so long ago.

He he saved me.

I had a last child from Fred, Raven my little girl who's going to her Third year. Gwen, who is still mad her twin got to graduate early, is attending her Seventh year.

Benjamin Fred Karkarof and Igor Severus Karkarof my little boys. My precious little boys I love them so much they keep me busy. They're so sweet just like their father. Tristan. He loves me so. It took along time for me to return that love but I knew Fred would want me to be happy.

"Mum I still don't get why Finn got to graduate early" Gwen complains

"well Gwenth your brother focus on his academics instead of focusing on quidditch and relationships" I tell her

"ugh Ravenclaw, at least I'm in Slytherin like you and like you and uncle Draco" she says and I grab her hand and we all apparate to Kings cross.

"Tris do you see Draco anywhere?" I ask him

"mum dad I found Scorpius!!" Raven says and we follow her.

"Hello baby brother!" I call out to Draco and I give him and Astoria a hug and I mess up Scorpius hair which did I mention he HATES.

"Nooooo auntie sttaappp!!!" He yells out and seats my hand and I look ahead and I see ron Hermione and Harry and Gwen runs to Ginny

"well hello Gwenth !!" Ginny calls out and gives her a hug. We say hello to them and Tristan and Harry jokes about how we need to have a family gathering again.

The he train is about to take off so I get Gwen and Raven and give them a hug and kiss. Raven runs off to her Hufflepuff Friends and board the train and Gwen stands there with me and I just hold her.

"I love you mom" she tells me and I start tearing up " I love you too Gwen. "

"mum don't cry I'll be back before you know it!" She says

"I'll tell dad you say hello okay!" She says and I forget his ghost is there protecting our kids and pulling pranks with peeves.

She he gives me one last hug then tells Benjamin to pull pranks on me and she boards the train.

Tristan Holds the hands of Benjamin and Igor and they start to wave and as the train starts to leave I whisper into the wind.

"Watch over my babies Fred"

but but this time the wind whispers back


Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now