The Second Task and Questions

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"I'm leaving hogwarts Draco" I spoke
"your funny Evy" Draco said
"Draco, I'm serious! Mum and dad have me permission!" I yelled at him.
Draco looks at me and his smile quickly turns into a Frown.
"So your going to leave me" he says
"yes I'm taking this chance of being the best wizard I can" I speak as softly as I can
"fine leave your family and your friends that's perfectly fine as long a perfect little you gets whatever she wants!" Draco yells
"Draco Lucius Malfoy don't you dare yell at me like I'm someone below you! I'm your sister!"I yell back.
"Your not my sister your adopted bet you didn't know that huh? Your mum died and your father didn't want you!"he screams at me.

I freeze "adopted ?"
His face changes from angry to apologetic
"oh Merlin Ev I didn't me-
"I can't believe you never told me!" My eyes filling with tears.
"I'm sor-
" I hate you!" I scream and run out the common room.
"Evalyn, Ev, Evey !!" He's running after me but I'm faster.

I run run all the way to the astronomy tower and I run to the edge.
I could do it. I could just jump and nobody would miss me. I look up to the sky.
"Mum dad I'm sorry"
arms wrap around me and pull me back. I try to escape their arms.
"Draco let me go!"
"Ah but alast I'm am not Draco" the warm Russian voice fills my ears.
"Tristan" I stop trying to escape. I look into his eyes.
"now princess will you tell me what's wrong?"he says with concern. He spreads his arms.
I immediately run into his arms and start sobbing.

" He was angry when I told him to go and he started yelling and telling me things andIm adopted and I never knew, my true mums dead and my dad never wanted me and I can't remeber a thing!" I say between sobs.
"Listen princess, family is not about blood it's about the people that are there until the end they love and protect you no matter what , that is family" he speaks as he holds me and I stop sobbing and just lay my head into his chest.
"Thanks Trisan" I whisper
"anything for my princess " he whispers
we just stood there in silence for a while.
"do you want to go back to our common room before dinner?" He leans down to whisper into my ear and I nod.
I let go and turn around and feel dizzy because of all the crying and he looks at me
"are you okay?"Tristan says with a concerned face.
"Just dizzy" I say
"well okay that leaves one option then. " he picks me up bridal style and I start giggling.
"Tristan you don't have to carry me!" I laugh
"Ofcourse I do! I am a gentlemen don't you know?" He says with a chuckle.
I bury my head into his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
His beautiful Russian heart that I began to fall for.
But then again why would he fall for a girl like me?
I'm just a rejected child adopted by loving people.
I look down at my locket and I could never open it because it opens to a name but I could never find the name. I closed my eyes and a picture popes into my mind.

"Raven" and the locket popped open and there's two pictures. It's a picture of a woman who looks like me standing next to a boy who I have similar features to me. And the other is a picture of a young professor snape. But who is that mysterious woman and the man who's face is so familiar?

Then it hit me , that must be my mother and the man was no other than

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now