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I get to the ministry and I hear Harry's voice and I'm walking with Lucius and Bellatrix. Towards Harry's group and finally I see them all and they go back to back and point their wands at us.

Lucius and Bellatrix take off their mask meaning I have to. Harry stares at me in disbelief but I stare back so I can enter his mind

"Harry they don't have sirius you need to get out and tell Fred I'm sorry and that I love him please" I beg him through his mind he just nod and plays along with Lucius talking. Harry and then talk and I just space out because I'm staring a Ron who looks like he Wants to kill me. I understand why he thinks I'm betraying his brother.

Shots ps get fired and I see Fernir and he runs along side of me along with Bellatrix.

And we travel using our black smoke and everybody but me takes one of Harry's friends to hostage and I walk around making sure everything is okay and then all of a sudden there is white smoke and the order is there and sirus punches Lucius in the face. Sirus sees me and starts yelling for me.

"Evalyn I know you don't know me very well but I'm your godfather as well as Harry's and your mother wanted me to give you this." He tells me and hands me a letter.

We continue to duel then sirus is struck by Bellatrixs Killing curse and just is gone and bellatrix takes my hand and drags me with her about being sirius's killer and harry chases after us and shoots a curse.

"Do it Harry" I hear my uncles voice. " you know the spell." Bellatrix smiles and Voldemort appears causing harry to turn around me and bella slip off into the Floo as soon as we see Dumbledore.


me and Bella arrive at Malfoy Manor just to find out that Lucius had been Arrested and is In Askaban because the Aurors found him knocked out in the ministry.

I run upstairs to my room and Floo back to Hogwarts were Dumbledore had returned and Umbridge is being escorted out by Aurors. I'm looking all over the place for Fred then I realize he's not here anymore...

Thank Merlin that we only have four days left.

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now