Tri-Wizard Tournament

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Dumbledore tells us about the tri wiz and
Durmstrang and Beauxbaton make their lovely entrances and the boys sit with us Tristan on my left and Viktor on my right.
" Viktor apparently girls hate me right now cause I'm next to the one and only Krum "
he begins to laugh and he puts his arm around me and we look at the girls and wave and they give furious looks to me and some begin to cry
we all at the table start dying laughing and even the headmasters laugh.
Me and Cho have to get them out before the first years so we begin to get up and the boys follow me and the girls her. I look over and mouth " you okay?"
"Yeah , you okay ?" She mouths back and i smile and nod.
"Evy " I hear him.
" listen Hart leave me alone okay?! I glare and Viktor walks up to him and says "you have no right talking to her you filthy low life " and Damon is shocked that the 6'5 guy is hovering over him while the rest of the boys glare at him.
" come on boys , no murdering the lowlife come now Viktor" I say and Viktor snaps out of the trance of glaring.
" Ofcourse anything for my new sister "

I take them to the Slytherin common room and take the to their own little common room and sleeping quarters where I now have my own room as guide.

After saying goodnight to the group. Igor comes up to me and wishes me good rest and I crawl into bed.

I wake up to my alarm and I hit it and get up and get dressed. I walk out side and all the boys and Igor are there waiting for me.
" well goodmorning Durmstrang " I say quite cheery
" good morning Eve" they all say at different times .

They ey all have big smiles even Igor and he opens a letter and begins to read

Dear headmaster Igor ,

we would honored to allow our daughter to become a Durmstrang student. We send our thanks for offering to buy her stuff but we have more than enough money and would not be bothered to allow her to but her own. Here is 5,000 galleons and if you still proceed to but give her the money for the Yule ball.

Again with many thanks

Two very proud parents ,
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy

"oh my Salazar , they said yes !!" I begin to jump up and down and the boys join me and pick me chanting "EVEY EVEY EVEY!!"
They put me down and Igor hugs me and says "welcome to the Durmstrang family now I must go and talk to Albus. "

I see Draco and the crew and decided to break the news.
"Hey guys I need to tell you something"

"tell us Evey what's wrong ?" Draco says with concern.
"Headmaster Igor ask if I wanted to become the Durmstrang girl"

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now