O.W.L.S., N.E.W.T.S., and Fireworks. Oh my!

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I wake up and notice me and Fred are in the room of requirement still so I give him a kiss and wake him up.

"Goodmorning love, you look mighty fine this morning" he tell me as I walk around the room to find our clothes

" come on Fred we've got newts today" I tell him and he tells me something I didn't want to believe

"me and George aren't going to to take newts were leaving school today and we're leaving with a bang " he tells me "do you want to come?"

"Fred I can't as much as Id love to I can't I've got to finish school so I can't go work at the ministry" I said while tears form on my face

"Evey don't cry please don't " Fred tells me while he's holding me

"Fred I don't know when I'll see you again if you'll leave cause my uncle is going to start rallying against the order" I beg him

"I'm sorry but I've got to do this" he tell me and he starts putting his clothes on

"okay i love you Fred I don't know when I'll see you again after today but know this I will always protect you " I tell him

"and i for you " he tells me and kisses me

i fix his tie and we leave and separate


Umbridge tells some of the Slytherin kids to stay behind after the newts were over with so we could watch the Owls and insure nobody was cheating. And then we heard a boom and then two loud ones then Umbridge goes and opens the doors and fireworks fill the room and Fred flys by and gives me one last kiss then they release a huge firework that turns into a Dragon and chases Umbridge.

We run outside and I see Harry Potter fall and my dark mark starts burning and I know my uncle is calling me so I go to Umbridges room and use her Floo.

i i head back to Malfoy manors were we get instructions to head to the department of ministries and wait for Harry i get my mask and a black cloak and get ready to face my true betrayal to the order that my dad was "a member in "

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now