Evalyn Marvolo Malfoy

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I'll tell you the last tale of Raven Hawthorne.

My mother, she didn't last very long...

After I was born she stayed in my life until I was 5 years old

she told me
"mummy loves you, Eva, don't go looking for daddy, he didn't need us. Uncle Lucius and auntie Narcissa will take care of you I promise"

"mummy, are you leaving me ?" I said to my mother as she laid on her deathbed.

"No I'll never leave you...I'll always be in your heart, I love you. But mummy's tired"

"Mummy don't go" I cried to her.

Narcissa and Lucius arrived and held the hands of my mothers as she began to fade she choked out a few last words.

"Tell my brother when he returns that I love him but I died because of Potter, he was right about him he broke my heart, but I leave him a gift to live on his legacy, Luci, Cissa take care of her ..... For me " She said with her last breath

I heard what sounded like a long sigh and auntie began to sob at that moment I knew my mother left me.

6 years later

" Draco Evalyn if you don't wake you're going to miss the train !!!"
I heard mum (Narcissa ) yell.
I immediately jumped out of bed and opened my door as did Draco both of us still in pajamas ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Morning mother, father," we said in unison.

"Morning children, I'm afraid I've been called into the ministry-"

" But father today's the day!" we said together in a quote loud voice.
father (Lucius) shot us looks but then soften.

"I know children, I wish I could see my little future Slytherin's to their train but I have a job"
both Draco and I nodded understanding but sad looks in our eyes.

" but I did get you both presents!" Father said. 
we looked at each other and smiled.
Father handed us two gifts in green and silver wrappings.
I open mine to see a necklace with a silver chain and a black snake with an emerald on its head.

"Oh father, it's beautiful thank you!"I circled around the table and hugged my father's neck and he kissed my forehead.

" Anything for my princess, " my father said with a happy calm tone.

" Oh, thank you father it's a very handsome ring!"

"Now you and your sister match "
I look at Draco who had a silver ring band with the same snake and emerald on it. We look at each other and share a smile.

"Now I have to go, but I'll see you at Christmas time write often. "
and father apparated.

"Go on and finish getting dressed you too it's a big day today !" Mother said with a cheery tone
I and Draco ran up the stairs went to our room got dressed mother did our hair and we apparated to kings cross.

"Now behave children, make the Malfoy name proud, don't forget what we taught you, and stay away from muggle-borns and blood traitors, write often !!"

"We will mum" unison again. We hugged our mother one last time before Christmas break and linked arms like a proper lady and gentleman.

"Draco, Evalyn!!!!" 

I turn around to see our crew. Blaise Zambini, Crabbe, Goyle, Astoria Greengrass, and Pansy Parkinson.

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now