The boy who cried Dumbledore

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I finally got my dark Mark.

Pleasing my Uncle and Bellatrix is my number 1 importance in this world. There the only real family I've got left.

I Floo back to Dumbledores office and I see The trio in there.

"Oh excuse my interruption" I tell them and begin to walk away

"No please stay Ms.Snape they were just leaving " the headmaster says just as the trio brushes by me

the door closes "what would you need of me Headmaster?" I ask him

"How is your dear uncle" he ask

"excuse me?" I ask him in a small voice trying my best not to reach anger.

"Did you receive the mark ?" He ask

"Honestly Professor do you think of me dumb!"I scream and walk out straight to dads office

the class is working on something and I just barge right in

"Evalyn? What's wr-"

"Class dismissed"I tell them

"you can't just dismiss my class" dad tells me obviously getting annoyed
"I SAID CLASS DISSMISSED!" I yell with the same voice I had with Ron and most of them run out. as soon as the last student is out i charm the door so no one can open it.

"Evalyn Marvolo Snap what has gotten into you ?!" He ask and I pull up my sleeve revealing my mark

"already?" he walks up to me and hugs me

"yeah and Dumbledore asked how my uncle is !"

"How did he know" dad says

"how would I know?! Dad I'm scared!" I tell him

"you scared you've never been scared of anything your whole life?" He asks and just walks up to me and holds me and let's me sob in his chest.

"You're scared to loose him arnt you?" Dad asks

i just nod and he just kissed the top of my head wipes my tears and sends me to bed.

I walk into walk into the room of requirements and just see something that looks like the gryffindor common room and I just crawl up on the couch and Sob.

"Why are you crying?" A Ghost appears and asks me

I jump then look and I'm telling you my blood mom is sitting right here.

"I got the dark Mark which is fine I love my uncle but I'm scared for my boyfriend because if my uncle found out he would kill him" I tell her

"do you know who I am?" She asks

"you're my mum" I tell her

She smiles and ghostly tears fall on her face but her eyes show the longing of maternity.

She looks away and tells me "I have to go love but remember I love you always have always will goodbye again my Evalyn"

she she goes and I hear footsteps and I see the one and only Harry Potter walking towards me

"what are you doing here Malfoy?!" He asks

"it's Snape potter and I was here first go away" I tell him not really up for and arguement

"what no fight ?" He asks a little nicer

"no fight" I whisper and just flop sideways on a couch

" what's wrong with you ?" He asks and I just tell him to bugger off

" Harry didn't you see what I did to Ron you all should hate me, even Fred" I tell him

"Evalyn he loves you you know that right? He's been searching for you for days now!" Harry tells me

"days? I just saw him an hour ago!" I tell harry

"He's been searching for you for 3 days now , Didn't you know?" Harry tells me

"NO HARRY!!! I thought I had been in here for about a week !" I tell him

"Well come on I'll get you out of here"he grabs my arm that has my dark Mark and although it's covered up it hurts from just getting it and when he touched it , it felt as if fire itself was being placed on my arm.

I start flinching in pain and he lets go

"Evalyn what's wrong with your arm?!" He asks

"harry leave me alone!" I tell him

"show me your arm!" He yells at me and my anger flicks on and off

" LEAVE me ALONE potter!!" I tell him and my voice is flickering on and off.

"EVALYN calm down!" He tells me

"I start floating and I just pass out .

I wake up in the infirmary with Dumbledore Madame pomfrey and dad around me I try to sit up but they have me restrained so I just apparate on top of the me out of restraint. They all look at me amazed and I just grab my robe my wand and roll back down my sleeves that cover my dark Mark not even caring that they know. Slip on the ring my uncle gave me and leave. I walk into the great hall and look for Draco and sit beside him. Look over to see Fred and he is nodding his head over to the door so I bid goodbye to the Slytherin's and leave with Fred going out one of the big doors and I going out the other getting us a few cat calls and whistles.

We get out of anybody's sight and I run with him to the room of requirement.

"I've missed you Evalyn I couldn't find you and for a while I though you had left Hogwarts or me....." He said his voice trailing off with every word.

"Oh Fred, when are you going to understand I'm not going anywhere" I tell him and a couch and a fireplace is back in the room and we just lay there on the couch and I just let him hold me and I'm staring at the fire forever. I just roll over and he's staring at me.
" I love you Fred Weasley"

" I love you Evalyn Snape" he tells me and I just kiss him and it gets a little overwhelming.

We we kiss and kiss and kiss at this point I have my finger running through his hair and I'm sitting on his lap and facing him and he has his hands around my backside. we kiss for hours and i start kissing his neck.

"Ev.... eva... "He keeps trying to stop me but I just can't stop kissing him.

he pushes me away and I start pouting and I give the best pouty face possible.

"Evalyn don make those faces I just want to stop us before we go too far, you're only a 6th year and I don't want to end up get-"

"I got transferred by Umbridge through the ministry's authority and that I'm more than advanced plus my birthday is soon and I'll be 17 so they moved me to 7th year " I tell him

"That means we're both graduating Hogwarts in a couple of months!" Fred says

"yep you know what that means right" I tell him trailing my hands down his chest

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Positive" I say and kiss him

*use your imagination ;)*

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