Welcome, Home...?

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I didn't believe it.

It all had just happened so fast but he did it.

Fred Weasley kissed me he took my breath away when he did.

We we were sitting there in the compartment and I was crying because I didn't want to go home to people who have lied to me about everything. Then I layed in his chest and fell asleep then I woke up and looked up and he did it he kissed me.

It a quick kiss but I realized that I've needed him all along.

He just stared into my eyes and I sat up and looked at him.

" umm I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" Fred speaks quickly with a red face and stands up to leave but I pull him back down to sit.

"Do you like me Fred Weasley?" I ask him and he nods.

Instead of telling him I like him too I just grab his face and kissed him and the best part he kissed me back. We pulled apart and put our foreheads together.

"I've liked you for along time Fred, but I've got a complicated life and my whole life I've been raised with the dark side and that the life I have to live .... " I speak in a hushed tone.

" so eventually you will have to become a deatheater won't you? " Fred asks.

I sit up straight and look down and just nod.

He he lifts up my chin and stands up then kneels in front of me and grabs both of my hands.

" Evalyn, will you be mine?" Fred asks me and I am shocked.

" But Fred my family my future ?! My family will never allow us to be together !" I tell him and I feel a tear fall down my face.

" then we will just have to be a secret then" he whispers to me and wipes the tear from my face.

"Fred, are up sure this could be dangerous for you to be with me what if something happens and you get killed cause of me I'll never forgive myself, what if so- " Fred kisses me to shut me up and we both stand up.

"EVALYN . EVALYN WHERE ARE YOYU??!! I hear Draco from a distance

" I've got to go Fred , will you write me ? " I ask him he nods and pulls me into a hug.

"Every chance I get I will until break is over " he whispers in my ear.

"I'll see you soon Fred " I kiss him grab my wand and my two kitten( Lumos and Nox) that I got from my dad for my birthday.

I step off the train and I see the Malfoys.

"Evalyn, can we talk when we get home ?" Narcissa asks
• • • •
I just nod my head cause I know for a fact my eyes are still red from crying.
We apparate back to Malfoy manor.

We walk in and sit at the dining room table.

" now we know you know the truth and I'm sure your mad but w-" Lucius starts off but I interrupt.

"Mad ... You think I'm just Mad?! No no no I'm Pissed ! You've lied to me about my whole life and you think I'm just MAD!!!" I scream at them and Narcissa starts crying.

" Oh your definitely Ravens daughter that's for sure" I hear a voice from behind me it sends child down my spine. I turn around and see the person behind the mysterious voice.

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now