Time to Say Goodbye

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I wake up and see Fred putting on his clothes.
"your leaving?" I ask him sad.

"we have children who need their father and you professor have classes" he says and walks over and give me kiss.

"I don't want you to go Fred" I tell him

"I don't want to go back either, but I need to go to work and see the babies"

"well dad wants to see them tonight" I tell Fred and he looks petrified

" which dad?" He asks

"Snape" he calms down a bit "well I guess I'll see you then love ?" I tell him

"of course " he tells me and gives me a kiss.


That night never happened it's been 5 months since then. That was the night Draco finished the cabinet, Bellatrix brought reinforcements,and dad killed his only friend. Bella destroyed the great hall and me and Draco just watched. Fred of course heard what happened and I'm sure his family are making him have no contact with me. But they are my children and I am going to see them one way or another. Hogwarts is now under control of dad and I his second command. I can't help but look at dumbledores picture as he tells me to follow my heart but I can't choose this battle. I must protect my father my uncle their blood my only blood but that's not entirely true anymore I have children now the weasley a are blood too I'll protect them as long as I can.

i get dressed in a black dress and I grab my mothers wand which is now my wand it looks just like my uncles wand. Bones.

Me and uncle. Sit side by side at the table as deatheaters start to arrive. Dad was late

"Ah Severus I was beginning to think you'd lost your way " my uncle says

he goes on and on about how he needs a new wand. And asks everybody and someone asked why he didn't use mine and "Avada Kadavra" uncle kills him then he talks about how I am family and his most loyal follower that if any harm comes to me someone will die...ect. And I hear a hissing nose.

"Evalyn I've missed you " I hear hissing and I look at my uncle and it's not him I know potter isn't here so it Nagini

"Nagini my old dear friend I've missed you too" I tell her and she slides up the chair and rest her body on my shoulders I look like my ancestor Salzar Slytherin himself. I look good

No I look bad

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now