1 Fish, 2 Fish

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"Twins!??!!" I scream

"less talking more pushin Evalyn!!! Molly says and takes my baby boy to meet the weasley clan.

"She's loosing blood, Ginny go get some rags!" Andromeda says

molly brings the baby back in and let's Fred Goldman him and Molly holds my hand and I look up to see double everything

"I-I see t-two of y-you" I tell Molly

i push and I hear the cry.

"it's a girl!" Andromeda says

"wow I just had two babies" I say and look at Fred

"I love you Evey" "I love you Freddie"

"ugh" I say "baby what's wrong " Fred asks

"the room I-is so-spi-spi-spinning!" I tell him and

Andromeda do something!!" Fred shouts

"Do not go to sleep Evalyn!" She shouts and I just black. Ou.


*Freds P.O.V.**

"Don't go to sleep Evalyn!" Andromeda yells at her

I loo at Evalyn and she just has a blank expression and lays down.

"EVALYN!!!" I scream at her

"Fred back up" andromeda says

I watch as Andromeda just balls her fist together and slams it right where her heart is at.
Evalyn sits up and gasps for air and just passed out.

"She's okay she's just passed out now" she tells me.

I wait for an hour beside her bed and wait for her to wake up.

She starts to stir and opens her eyes and looks at me

"Freddie?" She tells me

"yes love I'm here" I tell her

"where's my babies?" She asks me and I help her sit up

"I'll go get them love" I tell her and get up to go to the living room

they all look at me and I see Mom and Ginny holding my babies

"she's awake she wants to see the babies" I tell them and everyone gets up to see her

"Evey everyone wants to see you" I tell her as we walk in. Everyone hugs her except Ron who didn't bother to come inside

"what are you two going to name them??" Ginny asks

"Whatever you want Evey" I tell her and she starts smiling

" Finnick and Gweneth" she tells me and me and George hi-five

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now