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5th year

Freds 7th year :(

a lot of things happened last year like my Uncle's back and he's staying at Malfoy manor and he keeps telling all his deatheaters that I must be treated with the upmost respect because I am his heir.

This could very well be the last year Fred and I get to spend together before my Uncle inducts me into his order.

• • • • • •

Fred and I board the train.

We sit together and he holds my hand.

"I'm going to become a deatheater this year Fred .... My uncle wants his heir in as soon as possible"

" i know love, we can work through this" Fred tells me.

"I can't loose you Fred, I'm falling a little more each day and if you were gone I don't know what Id do. " I tell him

"well your a year ahead of harry and Draco and I'm a year ahead of you so I think we'll be okay after all were about done with Hogwarts" Fred

"yeah but what then Fred what do we do after that?" i ask him

" Well i guess we move in together and get married , have a family, and grow old?" He says but it kinda sounds like a question.

"You really want that??" i asked surprised

"why the tone of surprise love ?" he asks

"i just didnt think that guys thought like that"i tell him

"yeah but im not like every other guy im your guy" he smirks and tells me

"Fred Weasley are you flirting with me ??!!" I tell him

"you are my girlfriend so yes .... Yes I am" he winks

I sit closer to him and I'm only inches away from his face and I whisper" Fred Weasley I love-

"Evalyn!!" Draco busts through the door

"what in the world do you want Draco!??!!" I yell

"oh sorry I didn't know you were with Weasley "he says with a venom in his voice

"Well hello to you too Malfoy " Fred spats back at him.

" dear sister I would love to chat but I cant stand to be here with this blood traitor any longer so I'll tell you this , Parkinsons starting rumors" he says and walks out the compartment.

"Well he's rather odd wouldn't you say??" Fred says and I turn to him

"oh just shut up and kiss me!" I tell him

and he does. (:

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now