Letters and Visits

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Wormtail took me home and left.

Im just standing at the gates of Malfoy Manor and I can feel the rain trickle down and I just entered the gate as slowly as possible. The door to the manor opens and Narcissa runs out to me and practically tackles me into a hug and even though it's pouring rain she starts sobbing.

"I thought you would leave, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry and Draco is too we all are we never wanted to hide it we just ..... We wanted a daughter so bad and your mother .... Oh I loved your mother she was my best friend. Please Evalyn don't leave we love you and even though you may not ever see us as your parents we still see you and our daughter." She pleads to me.

" Raven she's a memory I could never ever forget ..... She's my mother by blood but you will always be my mum. I love you " I say to her.

We both walk back inside and Draco runs to me and hugs me so tight that he picks me up.

"Oh Merlin Evy I'm so so sorry will you please forgive me?"

"Of course I will Drake, but do me a favor?" I beg

"YESS!!" He practically shouts with anticipation

"carry me to my room please?

" Fineee" he groans

"yes! " and I jump on his back and he carried me up the stairs

"Evy what can I do to get your trust back?" Draco says as we sit on my bed.

"Keep a secret " I say with a smirk on my face.

"Ofcourse you can tell me anything!"

"Okay but you can neverrrr tell mother or father!" I point my finger in his face

" okay okay I won't I promise!" He says

" okay... I'm dating a Weasley " I say

"WHAT?!" He shouts

"Draco You promises!!"

"please tell me it's not potters weasel!" He say with a groan in his voice

"No I'm dating one of the twins haha!" I say laughing at his facial expressions.

"As long as he's not hurting my baby sister I'm fine " Draco says

"baby sister? Draco I'm almost a year older than you !" I say

"same difference" he says as he walks out my door

"numpty..." I mumble as I crawl into bed and fall asleep.

• • • • •

I wake up and get dressed into a black dress and look out the window I see an owl fly in and crashes into my window. The owl fall to the ground the flies back up and gives me a letter. At that moment I realized I had another letter on my side table. I opened the first one and it was from Dad (Snape) and the other was from F.W. ???? Oh Fred!!!!!!

Evalyn ,

I was wondering if you would like to spend the last couple of weeks in the summer time with me? I want to catch up on all the years I missed with you. Please consider it.


I open the second letter from Fred

Dear Evy ,

how are you? I miss you so much! George let it slip that I have a girlfriend and mum won't let it go,she wants you to come to the burrow and stay the day before school. I told her your name was Evalyn but I didn't say Malfoy cause dad has some problems or arguments with your dad. But who cares they love you anyways I'm sure of it. Will you come me and George miss you , mainly me , so think about it will you. I hope to see you soon.


• • • • • •

"So where exactly are you going?" Mum asks

"I'm going to a friends , don't worry mom you know I'll be okay , remember my family history I tend to have a way with magic" I answer

she gives me a hug and says be safe.
I take our house elf rose and she apparates me to the Burrow and leaves. I walk towards the house and levitate my trunk shink it and put it in my pocket. I knock on the door and Ginny opened it.

"Malfoy what are YOU doing here?" She says with her hands on her hips.

"Ummm I'm here to see Fred cause your mum invited me " I say scratching the back of my head.

"Your Fred's girlfriend ??!" She says

"Yeaahhhhh" I say kinda nervous.

"Freddddd!!!! " she yells and I can hear him coming down the stairs with George Ofcourse.

"Evy!!!" They yell in unison

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now