Duty Calls

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I'm sitting on the day bed with "Gwen and Finn"
and Fred is sitting behind me.

"Hello my beautiful children, Mummy loves you" I tell them as they giggle and hold eachother. Then all of a sudden my arm starts burning and the babies start crying so I hand them over to Ginny and Molly and I pull up my sleeve. My Uncles calling me.

"What does it mean?" Fred asks

"it means my time is up and I have to go" I tell him with my eyes brimming with tears

"you can't go! What about the babies?!" Ginny asks

"I have to go Ginny or I'll put you all in danger" I tell her

"Molly thank you for being such a amazing motherly figure to me make sure that andromeda takes the babies when you leave" I turn to Fred "I love you Fred I hop to see you soon but I must leave, take care of our children" I give him a kiss and apparate to the malfoy Manor.

I walk in and see auntie Bella.

"Aunt Bella!" I run and give her a hug and then give Mum and dad a hug. They all ask how my trip was and I show them a bag full of gallions.
"Wow good job dear!" Mom says

"Congratulations Evalyn dear but may I speak you" I hear my uncles voice and see the fear in dad and mums eyes and bellatrix just bows her head.

"Ofcourse Uncle" I tell him and follow him back into the room. he closes the door and tells me to sit down at the table.

"good job on the ministry job it's good to keep a cover but you won't be needing it soon.

"What do you mean?" I ask him

"Your so called "brother" Draco has a special task a task to kill the one and only Dumbledore" he tells me.

"and what is it you would ask of me to do?" I ask him.

"I need to quit your minestry job and get a job at Higwarts and keep up with your Brother" he tell me "make sure that he gets the job done"

"You asked for me my lord" I hear dads voice and I run to him and give him a hug.

"hello dad" I tell him and he kisses the top of my head.

"Ah yes Severus I need you to help Evalyn to get a job at hogwarts so she can assist her brother he turn around "that is all"

me me and dad walk out and I tell mom dad and Bella that I have to leave again but it is to help Draco.

I take ahold of dads arm and we apparate.

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now