Secrets Revealed

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It's been 7 months since I've graduated ...... 7 months I've not seen Fred but we're meeting at Hogshead pub because is somewhere where nobody goes in Hogsmead. I've got news
and so does he. I get dressed and head out of Malfoy Manor. I tell my uncle that I'm going on a business trip from the ministry where ️thank Merlin Lucius didn't screw up things for me. i say goodbye to Draco and tell him good luck on his task from my uncle and apparate away.


I walk into Hogsheads and I sat at a table by myself waiting for Fred and he walks in and come and sits with me in the same side of the booth. I kiss him and he holds me.

"Evey Ive missed you so much!" He says as he hold me and kisses the top of my head.

"I've missed you too Fred, I need to ask you of something" I tell him

"yeah you can tell me anything"he tell me

"we need to visit Dumbledore" he nods and we get up and walk towards Hogwarts. We know he'll be there because hes Dumbledore he never leaves.

"Lemon Sorbet" i say when i get to the gargoyle.

we walk up stair and just as Fred about knocked on the door, Dumbledore opened it and told us to enter.

"Hello Dumbledore" I tell him

"Hello Evelyn how may I help you?" He tells me

"there something I have to tell Fred but I'm in need of your assistance" i ask him

"wait evalyn you didn't tell me that you just said that we're talking to hi?" Fred says

"yes I did but I don't know how your reaction would be like Fred" I tell him and we goes and sits on a seat.

"Dumbledore you know that I am a deatheater al and second in command of my Uncle, but then there is Fred who is in the order against me and my posse but throughout all the struggle and hard times we've fallen in love. But we both need you at this moment" I said letting him enter my mind and he sees everything and nods

"I see so you have something to be protected I understand correct?" He says

"yes me and Fred are in too much risk and danger to be in to be protectors" I tell him

"well I've got the perfect place we can travel there by floo now" he says and sends Fawks out with a letter "so they know were arriving" he tells me and Fred

we take the Floo powder and we arrive at this house and some lady walks i.

"Dumbledorewhat do we owe the pleasure?" She says

"mrs Snape has to speak to you" she says

"Mom who are you talking to ?" Someone yells from the kitchen and a girl walks out with pinkish hair

"tonks?" Fred says and she gives him a hug

"Tonks were talking"her mother says and shakes my hand "I'm Andromeda" and I shake her hand

"evalyn" I tell her

"now let's discuss what's going on, mrs Snape here is in need of your service Andromeda" Dumbledore states

"oh does she are you sure Dumbledore?" She says

"Darling please tell me what is going on" Fred asks me

"Evalyn I think it time you tell them" says Dumbledore and I nod and stand up and take off my robe revealing my clothes and a gasp breaks the few seconds of silence and Fred walks up to me

"You're Pregnant?!" Fred says

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now