Being Bad Flows Through my Veins

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It's the night of bill and Fleurs wedding and I'm in charge of leading the attack while dad and my uncle are taking over the ministry. I tell my party where to go and I apparate to the burrow.

I see see the tent and the party and I run in with two aurors chasing me. I find Molly Arthur Fred and George standing all in a group. I run to them and the aurors grab me.

"Get off of me you slimy gits!!" I say and try to fight off and Fred finally looks to see the commotion

"Evalyn! What's going on?!" He says and the Aurors let me go and I run to Fred and give him a kiss
"run , All of you need to run my family is coming to kill" I say

I run out the tent and see a ball of light coming in giving them the same warning. I get on my broom and send sparks then I put on my mask.

I see my party heading this way. And the start shooting spells. Fred George Molly Arthur Ginny and Percy all apparate away. So do Harry Ron and Hermione.

We killed around 6 people. My soul split for the first time to a ring of a dead auror and I took the ring.

Then in it hits me its Gwen and Finns birthday. There one today and I need to see them. I send my party back with success. And I apparate to Andromedas house and i knock on the door. Molly answers.

"Hi" I say and she slaps me! Then pula me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry thank god your okay" she says and pulls me into the house and we walk through the living room and Tonks comes out and points my wand in my face and that just ticks me off.

"Molly tell her to get it out of my face!" I tell her and Molly calms the new pregnant Tonks down and a pair of arms hug me from behind and I calm down instantly.

"Hello love " my favorite voice says

"hello Fred " I say and give him a kiss

"why are you here" Tonks asks

"because Nypheadora those babies that turned one today are mine so go pout to the moon for Remus. " I tell her so rudely and she tears up and walks off.

"Whoa someone's changed" George says.

"I'm sorry guys it's just my Uncle and everything , it's changed me " I tell them and give George a hug

"Mommy" I hear this tiny voice behind me and I turn around to see Fred and Ginny helping the babies walk and my heart melts.

"Oh my goodness their walking" I say and start crying And I pick them both up and they give me hugs.

So so much has changed Finn has dark hair like me but Gwen has the Weasley hair. I was so happy at this moment until my arm started to burn. I hand Gwen and Finn back to Fred and Ginny and I give them both toy brooms and I look at Fred

"I have to go he's calling me back" I give the babies a kiss and they start crying for me and I cry too and give my goodbyes then apparate outside Malfoy manor.

I walk all inside and they're having a party I walk in and hear "SURPRISE!!" I'm so confused so I spot my uncle and walk to him and everyone is clapping for me.

I reach my uncle and pats my back "Happy birthday Evalyn"

oh merlin I'm 19.

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