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We board the train and they tell us all about their summers. A bushy haired girl enters out compartment and asks

"Have any of ou seen a toad by the name of Trevor ?"

"Maybe it's hiding in that hair of yours??" Pansy whispers rudely.

"Well arnt you a git!" The bushy haired girl says.

" watch your tongue outsider" I stand up with my wand pointed and my face darkens.

"Love , sis , please calm down!!" Draco coos at me.
I began to calm down and look at the girl who is in shock.

"Who and what are you?!" She says.

" your worse nightmare " I said with pure hatred.
She ran from our compartment and I sat down in my place besides Draco and Pansy.
The Slytherin prefect entered and spoke

" Hello to you first years , my name is Damon Hart I'm a 4th year Slytherin prefect. What house do you lot want to be in ?"

"Slytherin!" We all say together.

"Great! , get dressed into your robes we be arriving soon and I hope to see you all very soon!" He said in very hopeful and cheery voice.

The train stops and we board boats and sail across the Black lake. When we arrive we are greeted by the deputy headmistress.

"hello children my name is Professor Mcgonagall , wait here. "

"So it's true ?" My brother begins to speak.

"That Harry Potters at hogwarts?" I finished.

" my names Draco Malfoy this is my twin Evalyn Malfoy and this is Crabe Goyle And Parkinson"
a red headed boy begins to giggle.

"Think our names funny don't you , let me see handme down robes orange hair, you must be a Weasley" I spat at him and he looked down.

"You'll soon find out Potter that some wizarding family's are better than others. " I said

"I can help you out there" Draco extends his hand.

" I think I can sort them out myself thank you"
the deputy headmistress returns when a boy yells

"TREVOR!!" And picks up a toad at theheadmistresses feet and he look up while she stares and the says
"Follow me please "

we we begin to walk into the great hall and I see Damon waving to us and we return the wave.
Professor begins to call names and I wait forever when I hear my name "Evalyn Malfoy"

"ahhh yes a talented little which are you so cunning and guarded like your father, funny you don't know him he's sitting in this room?!! Oh well your brave arogant smart like your mother. Your aunt and uncle have turned you into someone new but you like this life , better be
The table breaks out into applause and I take my seat next to Draco and Damon.

"Draco , what did he mean my fathers in this room?"
"Oh don't worry Evy father is your father now who cares about what that hat meant"
"true, but still I'd like to know"

i feel eyes watching me.
I turn and see the man wearing black. I look like him it's scary. Is he - no I'm the daughter of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy no one else.

Severus P.O.V.

I see Raven. No Evalyn. Raven always like the name but where is Raven? Why is her name Malfoy what happened to the love I let go ?! I must contact Lucius.
*into Evalyn's mind *

Raven -"mummy loves you don't go looking for daddy he didn't need us Lucius and Narcissa are your mum and daddy okay princess i love you "
Evalyn-" mummy don't go"
Raven whispers - " tom wherever you are I'm sorry I love you brother "
raven lets out her last breath and lightning flashes everywhere and thunder mad the earth tremble.
Evalyn was screaming and crying then slowly went into a slumber so Narcissa took her to Draco's room "mummy what's wrong with Evy"
"nothing love she's your sister now okay Draco
"my own sister! But what about -"
"obliviate" Draco falls asleep and cuddles up to his new twin
Narcissa leaves the room and walks to Lucius
"I fixed their memories their our twins now"
Lucius-"I'll get the papers from the minister tomorrow, come love let us go to bed"
*end of legitimins*
*evalyns P.O.V.

damon-"hey Evy you ready to go?"
"oh yes sorry lost in thought"

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now